10 Interesting Websites You'd Like to Share
- imdb.com--I use this ALL the time! Not fancy, not flashy, but chock-full of tidbits. Can't figure out why that character actor looks familiar? Go here. Jeff Gordon's wife has been in movies? Imdb will tell you all about it.
- bloglines.com--I've used this for more than three years now to track my RSS feeds. Again, it's simple, constant, rarely weirded-out, and easy to use. I've tried others, but always come back here.
- worldcat.org--Listen up: EVERY item at EVERY library in the U.S. (almost), and some overseas libraries (more every day), all in order by how far that library is from YOU! Seriously. Add to that pre-written citations for the term paper, notes, reviews, links to places to buy the item...I love me some OCLC (the owner/creator of WorldCat)!
- wavsurfer.com--Tired of that boring "booop" sound when you have incoming mail, or when someone IMs you? Go here and upload a song, an animal sound, a line from a favorite movie... Beast has a woman screaming every time he gets a new email. I had a loon telling me about new Bloglines updates for awhile.
- wikipedia.org--OK, I know it's not "peer-reviewed" or whatever all the noise is about. You should double-check EVERYthing you find online for accuracy. But if you just want to know how old Ozzy Osbourne really is, or get a complete episode list for CSI, it's the easiest place to go.
- meebo.com--Rather than logging in to AIM, YahooMessenger and GoogleTalk, log in to Meebo and chat with everyone on all your IM platforms (except those internal ones, like where Beast works...bummer). I love this place.
- bookletters.com--If your library doesn't subscribe, shame on them. Get on the phone and tell them to. Then tell all your friends to do the same. Bookletters will send you news on what's new at your library, what new mysteries are highlighted this month, today's Chapter-a-Day link.... It all comes right to your mailbox.
- libraryelf.com--I work in a library, right? You'd think getting my stuff back on time would be easy, right? Hah! LibraryElf lets you set up an account that warns you when things are coming due and when items you've requested have come in, plus it can link all the cards in your household together. Then it will either send emails or RSS feeds when there is an update. Again, if your library isn't on the list (it's FREE!), shame on them. Call and tell them to get moving on this (it takes three emails over the course of...maybe three hours).
- gmail.com--I love gmail. I'm not sure how I could exist without it. If you haven't signed up, do so...play around and I think you'll love it too.
- avatars.yahoo.com--I like dressing my "paper-doll self" up and arranging things. I used to love actual paper-dolls, and things haven't changed much. The only thing is, I'd like to have a "boy" avatar, but to do that, I'd have to make a new account in Yahoo, and I already have so many accounts all over the place. So I'll just be a girl and be happy.
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