from Allison, i.e. Kwizgiver (Link at left)
35 random things about me
1. When was the last time you washed your hair? Thursday at about 9 a.m. I'm on a two-day cycle, which is a really nice change as my son enters that age of needing to wash his hair every 4 or 5 hours!
2. What were you doing at 8am this morning? Meming. ;-)
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Talking on the phone, watching football, and trying to catch up on my listserves from work.
4. Are you any good at math? I'm good at arithmatic. I'm not all that interested in it, and anything beyond basic math pisses me off, although I do like the formulaic-ness (?) of algebra. Yay, quadratic equations!
7. Are you mad at anyone right now? Not really mad. I'm a little freaked about the weirdo-pervs in the neighborhood. It's actually an emotion I can't quite explain.
8. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? Don't have MySpace. Have answered this question four times now. Am not likely to ever use MySpace. MySpace annoys me. So does this question!!
9. Last thing received in mail? I picked up four magazines and a bill at the p.o., an we got more magazines and bills delivered at home today.
10. How many different drinks have you had today? Diet Dr. Pepper, diet Coke, water.
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine? Usually, yes. Unless I'm calling with a quick question that I know will be answered before they'd call me back.
13. Any plans for tonight? It's nearly 9 p.m. My excitement does not commence at that time of day--I'm going to sleep soon so I can get up and head to work early tomorrow.
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? I don't think I've ever done this, and I don't really go to the beach that often.
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? Braces sucked--I had to have four teeth pulled to make room. I also had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled (not at the same time: several years later, in two stages). And I've had two crowns put in. I do not like the dentist very much.
16. What's outside your front door? A small green rug...on the porch, which also holds a large firewood rack, two chairs and a small table.
17. Do you have plans on friday? Today is Friday. Sparky and I went and saw "Underdog" and I spent the rest of the day on the laptop. I love my laptop!
18. Do you like the ocean? Wevs. I'm not really a water person.
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? More times than I can count. I think that last year I even threw out a couple I'd bought as gifts for other people!
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? Several dozen times. My first 'real date' was to a planetarium. hee
22. Something you are excited about? Parade--Sunday! W00t!
23. Who around you has the most problems? Totally using Allison's answer: "uhmmm... I'm not touching that one"
24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? My great-grandparents would be approximately 150 years old. So, not likely.
25. Describe your love life. I'm married. Happily. 'Nuf said?
27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? How large? I was in front of our church at least twice this summer, speaking extemporaneously. I talk in meetings (too much). I was in front of about 60 teens and youth leaders unwrapping a frozen t-shirt this summer...there was speaking tangentially involved there. None of this seems like a "large group" though.
28. Do you like anyone right now? A very limited number of people, actually. I'm pretty cranky.
29. What was the weather like on your birthday? That was 9 months ago! And, frankly, it was in the midst of a really horrific period of my work-life and my personal life was out-of-control crazy/busy, and I was also quite worried that I was having mini-heart attacks on an hourly basis. Weather?? Gawd--not even on my radar!
30. Do you sleep with the door open or closed at night? I'm assuming this refers to my bedroom door? :-) Open right now, otherwise it gets way too warm in our bedroom...for Beast. Doesn't bother me; I prefer the door be closed.
31. If you could change your name, what would it be? Anything but mud.
32. Do you like your middle name? I do. I did not used to. But now I think a lot of Eliot's cat naming theory...and the 'ineffable' name cats have. And I like it.
33. Who are you thinking about right now? No one. People are flitting through my mind quickly. Nice: I'm not dwelling on anyone.
34. Do you consider your best friends family? More so than many of my actual family.
35. Favorite foods? Processed sugar, pasta, bread.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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