1. How many desktop computers in your home?
Two: one in the office, one in Sparky's room (no net connection on the latter).2. How many laptops?
Two (sometimes three): my baby, and Beast's old work laptop in the closet. And when Beast is home so is his laptop.3. What kind of internet service do you have? (i.e. phone modem, dsl, etc.)
Wireless DSL.4. Do you tend to use more than one email account regularly?
Uh...yeah. That would be...yeah.5. Do you use email as a main source for communicating to your family and friends?
Yes, unless there is a crisis. We supplement with phone calls. The only exception to this is my mom, who doesn't have a computer anymore.6. What kind of computer monitor do you own (flatscreen, or other)?
At home, just the old VDU style on the desktops. The laptop is nothing special either. At work, we use widescreen/flatscreens, which I looooove.
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