Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just Because..

...Another Survey...

What month were you born in?November
Where do you live?...in a house

...Describe Your...

WalletIt is red, about 4 x 5". Two zippers, one outside pocket and a place on the other side for my license. Inside zip pocket for change, several slots for cards, and a big slot for bills.
Dream carYellow or brown Jeep Cherokee, soft-top.
ToothbrushIt's magical. It has buttons that make some of the bristles spin. Some of the bristles are also plastic strips. It's fun.
Jewellery worn dailyThree rings: wedding, engagement, and 20th anniv. And various earrings. Occ. a necklace.
Pillow CaseThere is one on each of my pillows. This week, one is pale blue, the other is beige. OK, "ivory."
RoomI'm mostly in the living room, though I've just come back from the kitchen where I made myself a sandwich for dinner.
Love lifeYes. It exists.
Cologne/PerfumeVS most of the time. Gossip (Cindy Adams) when I'm on vac.
Cd in stereoNo clue. I'm listening to a book in the truck. Sparky has Green Day on upstairs again for the 4 billionth time.
PiercingsOne in each earlobe.
WearingBright golden yellow shirt from last year's summer reading program, dark olive green "convertible pants" (currently ankle length).
What does your headline meanThe title of my blog? Think it through: I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Last thing you ateI'm eating a peanut butter & honey sandwich right now. Bad me, eating over the computer....
Something you are afraid ofFailure.
Do you like candles?Yes. Bought four over the weekend, as a matter of fact.
Do you like the taste of blood?Eeeuw, feh.
Do you believe in love?Sure.
Do you believe in soul mates?Not really.
Do you like seafood?Yes.
Do you remember your dreams?Sometimes, but usually only if I wake up in the middle of one, which isn't usually a good sign.
Do you consider yourself a study freak?Yep. Not that I have to study for a purpose anymore.
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live?...eh? Sleeping, eating, blogging and reading are all pretty much at the top of the list.
Do you like tattoos?Some of them. I'll probably never get one; I'm too practical.
Do you burn easily in the sun?Oh yeah.
Do you speak another language other than English?I can understand Spanish, and speak it if I work hard at it.
What's something you wish you could understand better?Men. Actually, today, PEOPLE in general!
Are you shy around a crush?Yes.
What book would you recommend to anyone?To "anyone" I'd recommend anything by Dr. Seuss, specifically Oh the Places You'll Go!
Last show you watched an entire episode ofCSI: Miami (on DVD)
Last movie you watched at home...no clue...probably something I couldn't care less about....
Got any plans for the weekend?We're going to a parade on Sunday. I work Saturday.
Who do you miss?Childhood.
Last incoming call on your cell phoneBeast's cell 8/8--missed the call.
Last thing you downloaded onto your computerThis one, nothing. I updated Quicktime at work today.
Favorite restaurant6 Balls.
Last time you swam in a poolEons. And it wasn't swimming, trust me, just getting wet. Ooh, I think that was last summer while on vac.
What was the last thing you bought?A cheeseburger and a diet coke for lunch.
A secret about youhah...dream on...NEXT!
Ever made a prank phone call?Yeppers.
Where did Waldo go?He was stolen, inside his books, from the library at which I work.
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?Of course. Duh.
What did your last text message say?Don't know...it was deleted several weeks ago.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?I ran the lights for one once. That was WAAAAYYY to close for me.
Have you ever written poetry?Yep.
How many people have you kissed?Dozens...nigh unto hundreds in fact.
Have you ever won a trophy?Yep. Not sure where it ended up, though.
Are you a good cook?Passable. If I want to be, I can be. I'm better at baking, though.
Do you know how to pump your own gas?...oy....YES.
Think fast, who do you hate right now?I'm VERY annoyed at someone at work. Not very fond of the current people in charge in the White House, either.
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?Katherine, last January.
What do you think about most?Things I should've done better/differently.

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