Just Because.. | |
...Another Survey... | |
What month were you born in? | November |
Where do you live? | ...in a house |
...Describe Your... | |
Wallet | It is red, about 4 x 5". Two zippers, one outside pocket and a place on the other side for my license. Inside zip pocket for change, several slots for cards, and a big slot for bills. |
Dream car | Yellow or brown Jeep Cherokee, soft-top. |
Toothbrush | It's magical. It has buttons that make some of the bristles spin. Some of the bristles are also plastic strips. It's fun. |
Jewellery worn daily | Three rings: wedding, engagement, and 20th anniv. And various earrings. Occ. a necklace. |
Pillow Case | There is one on each of my pillows. This week, one is pale blue, the other is beige. OK, "ivory." |
Eyes | Hazel. |
Room | I'm mostly in the living room, though I've just come back from the kitchen where I made myself a sandwich for dinner. |
Love life | Yes. It exists. |
Cologne/Perfume | VS most of the time. Gossip (Cindy Adams) when I'm on vac. |
Cd in stereo | No clue. I'm listening to a book in the truck. Sparky has Green Day on upstairs again for the 4 billionth time. |
Piercings | One in each earlobe. |
Wearing | Bright golden yellow shirt from last year's summer reading program, dark olive green "convertible pants" (currently ankle length). |
Wanting | Sleep. |
What does your headline mean | The title of my blog? Think it through: I'm sure you'll figure it out. |
Last thing you ate | I'm eating a peanut butter & honey sandwich right now. Bad me, eating over the computer.... |
Something you are afraid of | Failure. |
Do you like candles? | Yes. Bought four over the weekend, as a matter of fact. |
Do you like the taste of blood? | Eeeuw, feh. |
Do you believe in love? | Sure. |
Do you believe in soul mates? | Not really. |
Do you like seafood? | Yes. |
Do you remember your dreams? | Sometimes, but usually only if I wake up in the middle of one, which isn't usually a good sign. |
Do you consider yourself a study freak? | Yep. Not that I have to study for a purpose anymore. |
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live? | ...eh? Sleeping, eating, blogging and reading are all pretty much at the top of the list. |
Do you like tattoos? | Some of them. I'll probably never get one; I'm too practical. |
Do you burn easily in the sun? | Oh yeah. |
Do you speak another language other than English? | I can understand Spanish, and speak it if I work hard at it. |
What's something you wish you could understand better? | Men. Actually, today, PEOPLE in general! |
Are you shy around a crush? | Yes. |
What book would you recommend to anyone? | To "anyone" I'd recommend anything by Dr. Seuss, specifically Oh the Places You'll Go! |
Last show you watched an entire episode of | CSI: Miami (on DVD) |
Last movie you watched at home | ...no clue...probably something I couldn't care less about.... |
Got any plans for the weekend? | We're going to a parade on Sunday. I work Saturday. |
Who do you miss? | Childhood. |
Last incoming call on your cell phone | Beast's cell 8/8--missed the call. |
Last thing you downloaded onto your computer | This one, nothing. I updated Quicktime at work today. |
Favorite restaurant | 6 Balls. |
Last time you swam in a pool | Eons. And it wasn't swimming, trust me, just getting wet. Ooh, I think that was last summer while on vac. |
What was the last thing you bought? | A cheeseburger and a diet coke for lunch. |
A secret about you | hah...dream on...NEXT! |
Ever made a prank phone call? | Yeppers. |
Where did Waldo go? | He was stolen, inside his books, from the library at which I work. |
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? | Of course. Duh. |
What did your last text message say? | Don't know...it was deleted several weeks ago. |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? | I ran the lights for one once. That was WAAAAYYY to close for me. |
Have you ever written poetry? | Yep. |
How many people have you kissed? | Dozens...nigh unto hundreds in fact. |
Have you ever won a trophy? | Yep. Not sure where it ended up, though. |
Are you a good cook? | Passable. If I want to be, I can be. I'm better at baking, though. |
Do you know how to pump your own gas? | ...oy....YES. |
Think fast, who do you hate right now? | I'm VERY annoyed at someone at work. Not very fond of the current people in charge in the White House, either. |
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? | Katherine, last January. |
What do you think about most? | Things I should've done better/differently. |
Take this survey |
Sunday night
5 years ago
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