Wednesday, August 15, 2007

80s Queen

Snagged from Kwizgiver (link at left)....

Take this test at Tickle

You're an '80s expert when it comes to Fashion Fads

Hey, fashionista! From jelly sandals to stirrup pants to acid-washed jeans, you're most 80s savvy when it comes to the fashions. Still wearing slouch socks and parachute pants? Not a trendsetter like you. But that doesn't mean the days of crimped tresses and puffy painted shirts have been forgotten.

Before you could shop on the Internet, a diva like you was probably scouring the mall for the day's hottest looks. From your perfectly coifed hair to your stylish clothes, you know how to make heads turn. In any decade, that's always awesome!

Are You an 80s Expert?
Brought to you by Tickle

Uh, yeah...not. So, very, totally, completely, NOT.

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