Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Twosome

(Link at left)
What you didn’t know about me…

1. Two nicknames that friends and family call me:
I don't really 'do' nicknames per se but I guess "Cat" and "Mom" are sorta nicknames, eh?
2. Two items of clothing I would never get rid of:
There are two I can't get rid of: my sister's wedding dress, and this bridesmaid dress I just wore (at least not for the immediate future).
Two things I don't want to get rid of: my own wedding dress, and the penguin onesie that Sparky wore when he was about 9 months old. He was adorable in it.
3. Two movies that I can watch over and over again:
Anything Monty Python, and RHPS.
4. Two people that have influenced me the most:
My dad and mom.
5. Two goals/dreams I hope to fulfill in my lifetime:
Get to know my grandchildren well, and retire.

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