Sunday, July 1, 2007


(Link at left)
would you rather....

1. jump out of a plane or bungee jump?
Assuming I have a functional parachute, show me the runway.
2. be stranded on a deserted island alone or be stranded with someone you hate?
Alone. I spend enough time with people I don't like.
3. eat fried worms or eat chocolate covered bugs?
Starve. Though if pressed, I'd go for the bugs if there was enough chocolate.
4. trip and fall in front of your co-workers or trip and fall in front of someone you have a crush on?
Co-workers. Been there, done that. I have a month's worth of t-shirts commemorating that fact.
5. shave your head bald or die your hair purple?
Can I trade this one for the worms/bugs question? Cuz I'd do either of these things first, before the nasty food.
6. not be able to talk or not be able to stop talking?
I would prefer to be able to shut up. Any tips?
7. always be cold or always be hot?
I've tried both. I'm leaning toward cold for the traditional reasons: you can always put on more clothes, but if you're hot and naked, you're screwed.
Double-entendres commence in the comments please.

till next time...

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