Sunday, July 15, 2007

Movin' on up...?

found this at Library Tavern
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Your personality type is RLOAN
Your primary type is Limbic
You are moderately reserved, moody, organized, moderately accommodating, and moderately non-intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Indianapolis, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Providence, Louisville, Columbus, Greensboro, Oklahoma City, Long Island, Harrisburg, Orange County, W. Palm Beach, Boston Area and these international countries/regions Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Portugal, China, Greece, Germany, Philippines, Scotland, England, Thailand, Middle East, India, Australia

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at

I have lived in none of these cities or countries. The italicized ones are places I'd actually consider living based on my very biased and unresearched knowledge.

The personality type (RLOAN) says this:
not spontaneous, prefers organized to unpredictable, reserved, fearful, unadventurous, anxious, insecure, plays it safe, more responsible than pleasure seeking, easily intimidated, risk averse, easily frightened, uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations, easily hurt, attached to conventional ways, maintains spaces in orderly manner, second guesses self, backs down when threatened, afraid of providing criticism, quiet around strangers, afraid to draw attention to self, worrying, overwhelmed by unpleasant emotions frequently, averse to crowds, private, easily moved to tears, fears failure, does not like arguments, unable to disregard rules, unable to speak up for self, embarrassed easily, easy to persuade, finishes most things they start, not good at telling jokes, not very curious, modest, depressed, feels ordinary, not wild and crazy, planner, prone to panic, organized, not big on philosophical discussions, skeptical, apologetic, values rules and regulations, prefers to finish things ahead of schedule, socially unskilled, inflexible, punctual
I'm intrigued by the "limbic" business; here's the description:
easily hurt, does not keep emotions under control, envious, quick tempered, can't do anything when they don't feel good, emotional, bitter, attracted to things associated with sadness, has love/hate relationships with most things, sabotages self, more doubt than belief, thinks the world is a dangerous place, searches for identity, fears having no identity, suspicious of others, more past than future, desires security and support, fears being without guidance, familiar with the role of victim, hypersensitive, defensive, dependent on the support and nurturance of others, more feeling than doing, dislikes change, more likely to want a tattoo, can be hurtful, prefers to stick with things they know, wants to feel loved, fears being unwanted or unworthy of love, wants to enhance their self esteem, more likely to have taken anti depressants, prefers instant gratification, has trouble speaking when emotional
(Itals I agree with)

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