Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday Situation

(Link at left)

Situation 1:

You are on a small plane, there is you and you get to choose one special person, and 3 strangers. Also 2 pilots are on the plane. It is at night, during a very bad storm. Unfortunately the plane hits a lot of turbulence, and the controls are not radar screen is showing up for the pilots. Try as they might, they have no control of the plane and it is about to crash. The pilots both did not make it. You have[,] and your complain [companion?], also 2 of the other passengers. You all are bruised up pretty badly but no broken bones. It is night so you just stay put. In the am [sic] you realize you are on a mountain, way in the woods. No cell phones are working......What is your next plan of action?
I'd check the radio in the plane to see if it were working. Presumably the black box and locator are still working, but just in case, I'd call in our casualties at least. After that I'd check the plane for water and see what kind of situation we are in that way. If we were really screwed on all of this, I'd find some way of leaving a trail and try to find a stream and see if it looks possible to follow it down the mountain. I'd also look around for extra clothes or blankets and the first aid kit.
Situation #2

You are at work[;] you have 2 other co-workers there doing the same job as you do. One of the other co-workers have used the company computer to look up a union question, that the boss already has told you the answer to which is totally different from what is on the screen. They leave it on the screen and move away from the computer. The boss finally [s]ee's it and asks the person who did it if they were on the computer and left that there. They total[ly] deny it, making it look like you or the other [i]nnocent one did it....what do you do? [A]nd could you trust that person?
I would tell the boss I didn't look it up, that someone else did. If necessary, yes I would narc out the person who did look it up, depending on the situation under discussion, though I can think of some situations that might make it less likely that I'd tell. Of course I couldn't trust that person anymore.
Situation #3

It is now graduation time. Your eldest child of 16 is graduating high school, and they ask you if they can have a party with about 50 close friends. You agree as long as there is no alcohol [or] drugs on the property. You and your spouse go out to dinner as the party is a hour into it and only 10 people are there. You come home to a couple hundred kids, and already two kegs of beer have been kicked.....what do you do?
Is this before or after I kill my kid?

First of all, I never EVER would go out to dinner and leave the house in the control of my son in these circumstances.

However, should something like this happen, I'd definitely be throwing everyone out, calling parents and pour beer out onto the lawn from the kegs. In fact, y'know, I think I'd call the neighbors to come help me make phone calls. I would certainly threaten to call the cops. If necessary, I would totally call the cops, but that would mean I could be arrested, so I'd prefer not to do that. This is why I wouldn't have left the house in the first place.

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