Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Fun

(Link at left)
Flip-Flop Friday

1. If, for one day, you could flip-flop lives with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
I wouldn't mind living Meryl Streep's life for a day. She seems to be very normal, have a regular life outside of all the celebrity hoopla.
2. If, for one day, you could flip-flop your significant other with someone else, who would it be and why?
Not hap'nin'. Sorry.
For fun though, I'd love for him to be able to sing like Bono for a day. But everything else stays the same. I have no interest in being married to someone famous.
3. Is there anyone you would not want to flip-flop lives with for a day? Why?
Oh, just about every famous person under the age of 30. Thing Britney, Lindsay, et al. The main reason I wouldn't want to flip is the whole paparazzi thing. Gag.
4. What is one aspect of your life you would like to flip-flop?
I'd like to be less prone to flying off the handle when things aren't going well.

Friday Friends

1. Are you as close to your friends from school days now as you were then?
Seeing as how I just celebrated my 20th college reunion last year...uh, no. However, there are three or four friends I've had since school that I do keep in touch with and we are very close. However, the vast majority of friends I had in high school and college have regressed into acquaintances at best.
2. Do you tend to have a large group of friends or a small group of VERY close friends?
I have a lot of friends that are closer to acquaintances from my standpoint. There are VERY few people with whom I'm close, really open and honest about everything. Like, uh, five. Counting Beast.
3. Are there friends from days gone by that you wish were still in your life?
Yes. I was really looking forward to catching up with Laura, my longest-standing friend, at spring break. There's a story there I may blog about elsewhere. I'd like to see my college roommates, too. Technically, all these people are still in my life, but very peripherally (like Christmas card exchange only). OK, here's someone who fell off the planet that I'd love to see again: my "triplet" in band--three of us were born on the same day, and I am still in good contact with one of the others. However C-y-d Ch@rl!#r transferred to another school and I've wondered what happened to her. Here's another, but I'd rather just Google him than talk to him: J#rry P0w#rs.
4. How do you handle it when good friends move, or you move, away?
I don't handle it well. I really have a hard time keeping in touch the old-fashioned way. If everyone were online, it would be much easier! :-)
5. Do you tend to stay in touch with old friends or do they get lost in the shuffle of everyday life?
The latter. I'm very much an "out of sight, out of mind" person. See my answer to #4.

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