Monday, June 18, 2007

Create a Connection

Gatting to Know You

When did you begin your first blog and what inspired you to do so?
I started my first blog because Amy and Jenica had them, and I was copying. The first entry was Jan. 16, 2004.
Do you have more than one blog? Why? How are they different?
I have too many blogs...I think I counted 12 last night. They aren't all "just mine" but I have access to 'em all. One is my "me" blog, one is my "meme" blog, one is for books I've read, one is about work. Those are the biggies. Then there's one of my journal entries from a vacation three years ago, one that was going to be my devotions blog, one that was meant to remind me to find something good about each day, one for therapy (group blog). I have access to Sparky's blog, but I never have written in it. And there are two new church-related blogs I started recently.
How would you characterize your blog?
Or something else?
I would characterize all of my blogs as personal. At times they are creative, at times political, at times informational, and almost never community-oriented. I write for entertainment, for humor, for the joy of it, and to try to figure things out. It's an honor to have people come visit me, and I will admit that sometimes I am writing for them, or for individuals within the "Them."
To paraphrase Oprah, what is "one thing you know for sure" about blogging?
I have learned that everything is findable. It's a double-edged sword and for the most part I've only experienced the positive side of that sword.
Is it important to you to get feedback in terms of comments or pings? Why or why not?
I like comments; it's nice to get feedback, and some days I really appreciate what people say. I don't check pings very often. There are only so many hours in the day.
What 3 blogs would you recommend to our readers and why?
Bathrooms of the World
Real Live Preacher

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