Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Threesome

(Link at left)
::Pimentos in Olives::warning: I don't eat olives....yechhhh

Onesome: Pimentos-- in Olives? Useless decorative effect? ...or something you maybe enjoy? ...and is there something you can only stare at and wonder about at the snack bar?
Well, useless and decorative, yes. I imagine the pimiento can't help but help out the taste of green olives. This is DEFINTELY something I would only think about if bored, or drunk, out of my mind!
Twosome: in Olives though? Who thought of that one? No, that's not your question {g}; rather, what combo of things do you put together in the food arena that's been know to strike others as a bit strange?
Well, I think potato chips in cheese sandwiches is weird. But oh so tasty. Otherwise, I'm not one for weird food combinations. In fact, I'm more one to not let my different foods touch on the plate. Sectioned plates are wonderful things. ;-)
Threesome: Olives-- on fingertips (preferably black olives!). What food do you "play" with when you're feeling a bit silly?
My mom taught me early and often not to play with food. The only thing she relaxed that injunction for was mashed potatoes. You just have to play with them, a little.

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