from Kwizgiver
Do you snore while you're sleeping? I don't think I snore, except when I'm tired, and Beast says it's "very ladylike." {snort} I do moan, occasionally talk, and sometimes shout.
How many pillows do you use? I usually only sleep with one. Using two makes my neck get all misaligned. But I have two pillows which I use for reading and puzzles before sleep.
How do you sleep? Side? Back? Stomach? Primarily side. Sometimes stomach. Rarely, VERY rarely, back.
How comfortable is your mattress? It's ok.
How long does it usually take you to fall asleep? From glasses-off to coma: less than five minutes.
Do you fall asleep in front of the TV? Sometimes.
How many times do you wake up in the middle of the night? Usually not at all, because if I do I have trouble getting back to sleep. On occasion I have to get up and use the bathroom, but I don't usually wake up all the way: reptile brain function only.
What kind of bed do you have? Queen. But I let Beast sleep there too.
Have you ever fallen off the bed while you were sleeping? Yes, but not recently. Not for many years, in fact.
How close is the alarm clock to your bed? Right next to my pillow, about six inches from my face, or I can't see it. But it's actually a Bose clock radio, not an alarm clock.
How many times you hit the snooze button on your alarm? Depends on the day. Lately, it's been two or three times. Normally, I don't snooze it at all.
What's the first thing you think of when you open your eyes? My first conscious thought doesn't occur for several minutes. I think the first general thing I think about is whether I need to shower, or whether I took a bath the night before.
Have you ever had the infamous 'falling' dream? Yep. It happens relatively often as I'm "dropping off" to sleep. Loads of fun: twitch, wake up, roll over....
Ever had a nightmare so bad it woke you up? Of course. Not real recently.
Do you need any medication to help you get to sleep? I'm a big believer in Benedryl (which I will be using tonight) and/or Tylenol PM. Nothing stronger. After I had surgery, I used Percocet at night to drop off.
Do you count sheep? I have never understood this concept. I count backward, or do the relax-the-body-toes-to-head-thing. But frankly, if I spend more than 10 minutes on this, I'll get up and do a crossword till I fall asleep.
Do you like your mattress soft or hard? I like firm. Beast needs it to be softer for his back. We need one of those split mattresses, or a Sleep Number. Or something....
Do you roll around a lot in bed or do you normally sleep in one spot the whole time? I. Do. Not. Move. I do more rolling around waking up than I do all night.
Ever listen to music to fall asleep? I used to. We had a concert the other night, our first of the summer, across the way. They need practice: the singer and the drummer were on totally different rhythms. In truth, however, I can't fall asleep if there's any ambient noise at all.
What's the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep? When I was pregnant, I would fall asleep at work during meal breaks every day, curled up on one of the chairs by the TV. I'll never forget being sound asleep at 12 noon one day when DeeAnn came in and turn on Days of Our Lives 3 feet from my head....
What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep? 36-40 hours. I've done a lot of jet-lag, though, over the years. It's very surreal to be exhausted and unable to sleep. The last time we were in England, I was completely wackadoo the evening after we arrived, having been FULLY awake for 36 hours. Not a wink on the plane, couldn't sleep when we arrived, even though Beast and Sparky crashed. I was mental.
Have you ever fallen asleep in school or at work? Never at school, or rather, never in class. At work, in the work room of that same job with the rude soap opera watcher, I fell asleep one afternoon in front of the computer. Thank God, no one else was around.
How about in the car? Regularly, but only when I'm not driving.
Is this survey putting you to sleep? Nope.
Do you still take naps? I had a VERY therapeutic one yesterday. Naps are the most wonderful thing in the world.
At what times? I try to nap early in the afternoon if I'm going to do so. Otherwise, it goofs up my night-time sleep. Unless I'm wrecked and then it just doesn't matter.
Do you wish you could go back to having naps at work/school like you did in preschool? It sounds nice in theory. HOWEVER, I have zero interest in sleeping around the people with whom I work, and even less than zero interest in sleeping in proximity to our patrons. Naptime in preschool was a scary time for me, actually.
Are you going to sleep now that this survey's over? No, not for awhile. I want to take a bath tonight, and Beast is "playing golf" on the GameCube.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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