Sunday, May 6, 2007


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At the Movies

1. Do you like going to the movie threater? How often do you go? What treats do you buy when you go?
I do like seeing movies, but I see so few at the theater that this is really an Event for me. The last time I was at the theater was last July, with kids. Long story I won't go into, just that theaters are really boring places to hang out waiting for people.
I get pop and SweetTarts and share some of Beast's popcorn. Or we sneak in our own snacks.
2. Cell phones in the theater, do you keep yours on or off?
My cell phone is always on vibrate. I have no idea what the ringer is set to. So, it's on, but no one would know if it 'rang.' And I'd leave the theater if I had to take the call. Of course.
3. What's the last movie you went to see in the theater?
Monster House.
4. Have you ever waited on line for an obscene amount of time (several hours) just to get tickets to a movie? Also, have you ever dressed up as a film character.....i.e. a hobbit, a witch or wizard...while watching a movie?
We waited in a line that went all the way around the theater (a single screen theater, by the way) to see Star Wars almost a full year after it was released. It probably took close to an hour to get inside to buy tickets. Yes, there were still tickets left, because this was a giant theater. They don't make 'em that way anymore.
As for dressing up, does newspapers over my head during RHPS count??
5. What do you like most and least about going to the movies?
Likes: The food, the movie itself, the previews, I even like the trivia before the movie.
Dislikes: The horrible music before the movie, the ads, stupid people who leave their phones on and/or talk all the way through the movie. I can handle occasional comments, or little kid stuff, but...sheesh.
6. What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Why?
I supposed RHPS really doesn't count here, right? :-)
The worst I've ever paid for? Uhm, we'd have to go way back for that.... The 'clean' version of Saturday Night Fever was lame: it didn't make sense because they cut out the parts that explained much of the plot in order to make it PG. I was about 13 when it came out, so that's all I was allowed to see until several years later; no way would my mom have taken me to see an R-rated movie!!
till next time...

Wasn't the sign-off for Siskel & Ebert's show, "So long. Till next time....see you at the movies!"?

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