Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Fun

(Link at left)

1. Are you a member of the Green Thumb Club, or do you have a black one instead?!
Indoor plants die due to my ministrations. Outdoors I have better luck, especially with plants that don't require a great deal of attention. In other words, I could have a green thumb if I weren't so distracted.
2. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies, or both?
Flowers, primarily. I'm thinking about herbs this year, but so far it's only thought. No action. Probably will be true all summer, too.
3. If not, do you wish you did? What is stopping you? Space, time?
I'm mostly lazy and can't be bothered to weed. I like planting, I like harvesting, I hate the stuff in between. ;-)
4. Do you find gardening a chore, or a pleasure?
I think you've probably figured out that I think it's a chore. Must be all those years of slave labor for my parents as a child... My dad grew into gardening in his (very) later years after a similar childhood experience, so there is hope for me.
5. Are you an admirer of neatly laid out gardens or do you go for the wild look?
I prefer symmetry and linear layouts and designs in terms of viewing. That being really hard to achieve without a ginormous gardening staff on hand, it's quite frustrating for me to have plants growing every which way, and probably part of the reason I don't do more gardening.
6. Themed or not (ie. fairy gardens, hummingbird gardens, butterfly gardens, etc.)?
...gaaaah...scuse me, busy vomiting into the potted palm... I hate themes, of virtually any kind: garden, party, dance, etc. Themes are causing the downfall of Western Civilization! Not that I have strong feelings about this or anything....
Really, it's just that I have perfectionist tendencies and lack the follow-through to make something really work.
7. Lawn ornaments, or not?
Not. I don't even want TREES in my yard, much less lawn ornaments. I'd be happy, really, with a zen rock garden if we didn't have a third of an acre in a climate where things just grow with no real direction or help from me. So, lawn it is. And Beast likes playing with the mower.

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