Saturday, May 19, 2007

155 Questions to kill time

~*The Basics*~
Your full name: In blogland, it's Cat.
--What does it mean? Short for cataloger, with an ironic gloss at my extreme cat allergies.

Your birthday: Ten days before Kennedy was assassinated.
Height: Just shy of 5'8" (about 172 cm.)
Eye colour: Hazel
--Do you like it?: I've grown to appreciate it.

Natural hair colour: Dark brown with a great deal of gray.
--Do you like it?: I'll be happy when it's more gray at this point.

Gender: Female.
Religion: Christian
--Have you ever changed religions?: My beliefs have certainly evolved but I grew up Presby and still am.
--Would you consider it?: Yes.

Race: Caucasian
Heritage: All my ancestors came from northern Europe: Germany, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain.
--Do you like your heritage?: It is what it is; nothing I can do about it. I don't waste time on it.

Where do you live? The midwestern U.S.
Have you ever moved cities or countries?: Yes.
Your job: I'm a cataloger and reference librarian at a medium-sized public library.
--Do you enjoy it? Usually.

Movie: Heathers
TV show: The Amazing Race
TV character: Gilligan
Movie character: Frank N. Furter
Book: The Book of Ruth
Literary character: Alice (in Wonderland)
Author: Anne Lamott
Band: U2
Song: Amazing Grace
Type of music: Meaningful, and/or upbeat.
Instrument: I like the bass guitar. I play the flute and appreciate good tootling. [NOT a word, you two!]
Cereal: meh...I don't think I've eaten cereal in about a year.
Fast food place: Culver's
Dessert: White cake, and lots of white icing.
Country: Mine. But there are a lot of other perfectly nice countries....
City: In the U.S.: San Diego. Outside the U.S.: Edinburgh or Florence.
Place to travel: Virtually anywhere with indoor plumbing.
Airline: Britiah Airways and Midwest Express.
Shampoo/conditioner: Back to Basics
Lotion: Curel
Subject in school: I liked most everything I studied. The only class I thoroughly hated from start to finish was Freshman (college) English. I liked every other English class I ever took. And all my history classes. And the science classes I took I enjoyed (all three of them). Art History rocked. I'm a school junkie.
Teacher: Tonight I'll pick Becky Sherrick.
Province: I've only been in two: Ontario and Quebec. Of the two, there's no contest, since I don't speak French.
State (if you're American): Colorado. And Maine.
Football team: Packers
Hockey team: that still played...? {shrug}
Athlete: Brett Favre
Sport to play: Tennis, though I'm so pathetically out of shape, I should probably just go with Badminton.
Sport to watch: FOOTBALL!!
Fruit: Fresh strawberries.
Vegetable: Corn on the cob.
Snack: Sweets of almost any kind.
Meal: It would involve pasta of some kind.
Restaurant: Olive Garden.
Grocery store: Meijer's. Our is currently being completely gutted, in serial format. It's a huge hassle to shop there, so I'll be using other stores until July when it's scheduled to be finished.

~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date? Nope.
Flown in an airplane? ...yeah
Thrown up on an airplane? Actually, no. Though there've been a couple of flights that I nearly did.
Peed in the shower? No. And this is the MOST annoying question!
Peed your pants after you hit double digits? Not exactly.
Enjoyed Shakespeare? I always enjoy Shakespeare.
Been to the opera? Yup.
Been to the theatre? Yup. Both kinds.
Streaked? Not in public.
Seen a streaker? Not in public, live.
Been mooned? Not that I'm aware of.
Mooned someone? Nope.
Flipped someone off? Yeah.
Been in a fist fight? Not exactly.
Been drunk? Yes.
Had alcohol poisoning? Hmmm...not to my knowledge, but there have been a couple of times that were pretty bad.
Been walked in on while you're naked? Hello: I'm married. Of course I have!
Slept in a snowbank? I couldn't, unless I was way past exhausted. I can't sleep if I'm cold.
Made a snow angel? Yes. I should do one next winter and mortify my child...
Lost any teeth? I have 24 in my mouth and 8 in my dresser drawer. None of them are baby teeth, so I guess I've lost those.
Been in the hospital? Twice, as a patient. Innumerable times in other capacities.
Been in a major accident? No, thank God.
Burnt yourself? Just about every girl born after 1950 has found out the hard way that curling irons are FUCKING HOT.
Passed out? Nope. No fainting allowed.
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand? We watched one on the hydrofoil in Greece, in Greek (duh). But I mostly understood it, at least the broad outlines.
Prank called 911? Hell now! But Sparky called 911 when he was three, and hung up. They called right back.
Made fun of emos? Nope. Too old for that. I had emo-type friends. Maybe I still do; I'm too out of things to know for sure!
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like? WTF--I have so many better things to do in my life...!
Cheated on a test? Nope.
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend? ....not....exactly....
Lied to get out of trouble? Oh, hell, yes, of course.
Started a fire? Only in a prescribed location: fireplace, firepit, etc.
Roasted a marshmallow? Yes, but oddly I don't like them much.
Set a marshmallow on fire? Yes.
--How many times? Virtually every time.

Wanted to drop out of school? Not seriously.
--Did you? Nope.

Are you single or dating? Neither.
If you like anyone? n/a
--If so, who?
--Do you have a chance with them?

If taken...who? Beast.
--How long? We met in October-ish 1982, started dating about a year later, got more serious (exclusive?) around April 1984, were engaged in August 1985, and married in July 1986.
--Are you happy? Overall, yes.

Last 4 digits of your phone number: Which phone? One of them is 0755. The last 4 in our last home number were 8447..
Your house number: My house number now is about 4-1/2 blocks from my childhood address.
Why are you taking this survey? Boredom. There's a really bizarre race on tonight that Beast is watching and I don't want to deal with. And I'm trying to decompress from a long day of working with Sparky on his homework.
What school do you go to? n/a
--Do you like it?

Your school colours? My high school colors were medium blue and white (and sometimes silver). My college colors were orange and dark blue (and white). My grad school colors involved yellow...but I only know that because of the stuff on sale in the book store.
Your school teams' name? High school: Pirates. College: Pioneers. Grad School: Panthers, which ironically was my junior high mascot.
Ever been on a sports team? I played volleyball in 7th grade, and basketball in 8th grade. That was enough for me.
--If yes, what was the name of it? ??
--Did you enjoy it? Volleyball was ok. I hated basketball.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Patient and mature.
--Why? Seems to be good things to aspire to.

Any plans for the near future? Oh, dear God, only about four million things that are happening over the next 2 months!!
What are your views on capital punishment? I'm agin it.
--Nuclear weapons? Agin those too, but they have become a necessary evil.
--Euthanasia? I have requested a DNR order in my medical records, but otherwise it's not for me.
--The Canadian government? ...uh, completely uninformed...?
--The American government? Wish I was uninformed...Bush is beyond description. He And bites. And any other verbs of that ilk.
--The European Union? Great idea in theory. Putting it into practice is awfully complicated.
--The UN? We need to pay up and get behind it.
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is? No, because I don't know. I went and checked and realized I never heard of this guy: Ban Ki-moon

What was your favourite grade of elementary school? Probably 4th.
--Why? I had the hang of it by then and was comfortable.

What are you wearing right now?: Jeans and T-shirt.
--Any particular reason why? It's not warm enough to be naked, and I'm not ready for bed yet (though Beast is now snoring quietly in his chair to the strains of SNL's theme song).

What was the last thing you ate? Two pop-tarts.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Burnt Sienna
How are you feeling today? I'm tired, cranky, frustrated....and very glad today is over.
How many keys are on your keychain? My main one has probably 8 keys. My work one has just 2.
--What are they for? The main one: both car keys, house key, church keys (old church only), post office box key....and some other stuff I can't remember. The work one: door key, bookdrop key.

What does the room you're in look like? It looks like a living room, kind of dim at this point in the day. One tri-fold posterboard on the floor, there's a stack of finished newspapers on the floor too, and a lot of crap scattered all over the couch.
--Do you like the room? Yes, I do.

Do you own an iPod? Not exactly.
--If yes, what kind? Sparky has a Shuffle. I have a Creative Zen MP3 player.

Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses, yes.
What's your view on laser eye surgery? I think it's great when it works.
--Would you ever consider it? I might if I could be convinced it was safe for me, and if I could have a lot of anti-anxiety meds. Things messing with my eyes creep me out totally.

Weirdest thing about your parents: Far, far too many things to name. My dad hated FDR, and mom is just ... weird.
What did you do this weekend? So far I've spent a lot of time riding herd on Sparky on his 12 straight hours of herding him.
--Was it enjoyable? Kind of like having strep throat.

What's your greatest fear? Failure.
Your greatest strength? I work hard.
What country do you fear the most: Us.
Have you ever been in a third-world country? Define "third-world." I think the Soviet Union and Mongolia in 1985 would fit the criteria.
--Would you ever want to live in one? Fuck, NO!!!!

What song do you have stuck in your head right now? Billy Joel's song about NYC, which Zach Braff just stole and changed the lyrics to....
Will poverty ever end? "The poor will be with you always."
--Why or why not? Read Genesis.

Will we destroy our own planet? It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
--How? I think the most likely proposition is blowing it up, or at least killing most life on it with a nuke.

Man--inherently good, or inherently evil? Yes, depending on the moment. I'm leaning more toward evil right now.
Find hundreds of bulletins and surveys at MySpace Surveys
[edited by siteowner, 1/27/08]

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