Saturday, April 28, 2007

Patrick's Weekender

(Link at left)
Saturday 6

1. What’s your favorite kind of bread?
I like almost any bread from whole-grain to Wonder bread, except rye.
2. As a kid, did you eat more warm sandwiches or cold ones?
Cold ones, by far. Not even much of a competition.
3. Which of the following side items do you most prefer with a sandwich: french fries, potato chips, or cole slaw?
None of the above. Although, if I have white bread and American cheese, I will occasionally put potato chips in the sandwich for a little extra crunchiness.
4. Take the quiz: What kind of sandwich are you?
I did earlier tonight, and turned out to be a ham sandwich. Whatever.
5. If you could only use one of the following condiments, are you more likely to use mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard on a sandwich?
It sort of depends on the sandwich, but of those three probably mayo, but I like good mustard too.
6. A question of deli etiquette: do you eat the dill pickle spear before, with or after your sandwich?
Uhm, generally at the end, I guess. Sometimes at the beginning. Never in the middle.

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