Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)
Game On

1. What's your favourite system to play video games on?
I'm too old-school for the new game controllers, can't quite master the two-handed, 5 buttons maneuvering. I'll stick with Pac-Man and anything on the PC.
2. Have you tried a Nintendo Wii yet? What did you think?
Uh, no. Not likely to happen anytime soon. I haven't even tried an XBox!
3. If you were to star in your own video game, what would your quest be?
The way my life has been lately, it would be a quest for a comfy bed and a full night's sleep!
4. Would you rather date Mario or Luigi? Lara Croft or Princess Toadstool?
Truthfully, if the sound could be turned off, I'd rather be Luigi and/or Princess Toadstool. Silly games, but I loathe the 'soundtrack.'
5. What's your favourite movie based on a video game?
I can't think of any movies I've seen based on games, except Clue. Which wasn't a video game.

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