Sunday, February 25, 2007

A selection from the Friday memes

Good GOD, but there's a lot of them!
(All links at left in blogroll)

Reel Time
1. What is your favorite movie line?
"I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl...." (to be accompanied by appropriate hand motions)
2. Who is your favorite movie protagonist of all time?
I'm completely drawing a blank: Maria in the "Sound of Music"? Sophie in "Sophie's Choice"? Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof"? The Oracle in the Matrix movies?
Oh, wait, no, here's my answer: Indiana Jones!!
3. Who is your favorite movie antagonist of all time?
Christian Slater in "Heathers."
4. What is your favorite movie montage?
Does 75% of "Groundhog Day" count?
5. What is your favorite movie title?
"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" (but the movie is stupid). I also like "The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!" Sensing a theme here? I remember seeing the latter movie when I was very young (too young to understand it); all I actually recall is the main character running along a beach yelling.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday's Feast

Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?
I have a lovely six-inch "zipper" on my abdomen caused by surgery in 1997 when my innards imploded.
What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?
Surviving the above surgery and not having to have chemo afterwards.
Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.
It would be easier to name one who doesn't. I'll go with Regis Philbin on general annoyance principles, not because of anything he says.
Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?
I don't think I did. It was frowned upon in my house. I heard a lot about funny ways other family members spoke, but none of the stories involved me. I rarely spoke unless spoken to when I was very little.
Fill in the blank: I have always thought disco music was fun.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday Fiver
It's the least that you could not do
1. What do you try to stay away from?
2. Are you clumsy or graceful?
I'm a complete klutz. No question about it.
3. What is it too late for?
It's too late for me to have more kids, not that I'm upset about this.
4. What/who was your first love?
I'm torn between books, jump-ropes, and jacks.
5. Friday fill in: I believe that spring will eventually come (in spite of the recent weather here).

Friday Five

1. Would you rather serve in heaven or rule in hell?
Serve in heaven. I'm totally not a power junkie.
2. If you had evidence that would catch a killer, but also put you in jail, would you use it?
Depends on who the killer is killing. If it's a one-off, heat of the moment killer who is really no danger to anyone else, I'd probably serve my own self-interest. Does that make me bad? Yeah, well, I'm not much interested in going to prison myself, thanks. However, I'd like to think I would turn in a serial killer....
3. If you could work the worst job you have ever had, for three years and then never have to work again, would you or would you rather work the job you always wanted but not be able to retire until well past the age of retirement?
The latter. I've had some pretty unpleasant jobs, and I don't mind working. I have no real plans to retire anyway, since who knows what shape Social Security will be in by the time I'm 65.
4. If you could write four newspaper headlines, which would come true, what would they be?
World Peace Arrives!
No Starving Children Anywhere!
Entire Bush Family Disappears in Bermuda Triangle!
Cure for Child Abuse Found!
5. A video of children in Florida fighting while adults cheer on was posted on MySpace, the popularity of "gang videos" has also increased, and there has been renewed interest in re-creating the infamous "Faces of Death" video series. Do you feel there should be laws limiting extreme videos?
You can't legislate morality. Having said that, you also can't expect people to stop doing something if it's readily available. I guess I'd like to see a rating system of some kind that incorporates a rubric of reasons for rating things unacceptable for kids. Sort of a combination of the language, violence, and sex ratings on TV, but with more thought and just one overall rating. I dunno. I think parents should be parents, and do their jobs. And other pie-in-the-sky ideals.

Friday 5
In honor of the reunion of the Police (ask an older sister if you don’t know), here are this week’s Friday 5! You don’t have to know a thing about the Police to answer the questions, of course. We wouldn’t do that.
1. Who’s got you wrapped around his or her finger?
To the extent that anyone does--not much--Sparky and Beast both could claim this.
2. What’s as easy to learn as your ABCs?
My political leanings. [What song is this? I don't recognize it at all??]
3. Whose destiny is to be the king (or queen) of pain?
Oh that it would really be Our President!! Otherwise, I can't even begin to guess who this would be.
4. Who would you like not to stand so close to you?
Oh, this is easy: Smellyman/Stinkyman at the library. He really needs to stay at least 15 feet or more away just so I can breathe.
5. Which animals’ stings have you experienced?
I've only been stung by bees a couple of times. Unless you count mosquitoes...? And those nasty Asian beetles, though I think technically, those are bites.


Four for Friday
Q1 - Power: Which would you rather have: The power to make all the decisions, or the ability to veto them?
Veto power. See comments re power above.
Q2 - Religion: Earlier this week, former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts was heckled by a man during a speech at a retirement community in Florida. "And you're a do not know the're a Mormon," the heckler shouted. Romney answered back saying, "I'm convinced that the nation does need to have people of different faiths, but we need to have a person of faith lead the country." Do you agree with Romney? Do we need a President who believes in organized religion? Said differently, do you think a presidential candidate's religion or lack there of should play a factor in his or her run for office?
I think we need a president who supports and respects organized religion as a concept, but not necessarily one who belongs to a specific religion. The one thing, in retrospect, that I like about Reagan is that he rarely played the "Christianity" card during his presidency. I wish more Republicans would have followed his lead.
Q3 - Personal Safety: A friend of mine--a young woman around 19 or 20-years-old--was recently offered an opportunity (via an online matching service) to be a nanny for an East Coast family. After emailing and talking with the husband and wife a few times by phone, the couple--who never even conducted a background check on my friend--offered to purchase her a plane ticket to fly from her home in Utah to theirs in New Jersey for an interview and multi-night stay. Based on that information alone, would you encourage my friend to make the trip, or would you caution her to the potential dangers associated with hopping on a plane to visit people she doesn't know in a part of the country she has never been to?
Interesting that the fact that no background check was done on her is mentioned. Has she done a background check on THEM?? It works both ways. If she has, and they look good, I'd go...with cell phone in hand. And having left lots of details behind with trustworthy people in case something weird happens.
Q4 - Hours in a Day: If you could, would you add or subtract the number of hours in a day, and how would your decision impact your daily life?
Realistically, no. I'd just end up working longer. I'd mostly like to be able to telescope each day individually: some days need to be shorter, and others much longer!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Five on Friday
All Apologies
1. If you accidentally bump into someone, do you say anything?
Of course. Though my first thought was to say that I just tell people to "get outta the way," I always say excuse me. If they're being really obnoxious and clueless, I will say it very loudly, with emphasis on the "ME" part of that.
2. When you get into a disagreement or fight, how often are you the first to apologize?
I've almost always been the first to apologize, but I'm getting better at that....
3. What everyday actions do [you] feel should warrant an apology?
Being clueless in traffic.... Talking on cell phones in public.... Being rude to employees (unless they are rude first)....
4. Do you apologize for things that aren't your fault?
See #2 above. Yes, but less often than I used to.
5. When was the last time you apologized to someone?
I'm sure I have at least one apology under my belt today. My last real apology that I remember is for bumping into Beast last night.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday Fill-In

1. I love going to sleep.
2. Do you think it hurts when a bug hits a windshield?
3. A smiley face is one of my favorite decorations. (yes, I'm one of THOSE kind of people!)
4. My collection of friends is important to me. (I don't really collect with intent, though there are those salt-and-peppers....)
5. How many votes does it take til Bush is out of office?
6. Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon. I love this song; it always reminds me of listening to it from my bedroom while my brother was in his room next door when I was 5 or 6.
7. I am SO looking forward to snow this weekend! Please be sure to read with irony.

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