Monday Melee
1. The Misanthtropic: Name something (about humanity) you absolutely hate.
Our lazy tendencies. It's so much easier to do all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons, thus making a bad situation worse.2. The Meretricious: Expose something or someone that’s phony, fraudulent or bogus.
Well, this isn't exactly a newsflash, but...W.3. The Malcontent: Name something you’re unhappy with.
Mean people.4. The Meritorious: Give someone credit for something and name it if you can.
Amy, for forging ahead in her personal and work life, in the face of great odds, and naysayers all around her, and while keeping at least some shreds of her sanity.5. The Mirror: See something good about yourself and name it.
I'm reliable. I get things done that need to be done. Usually.6. The Make-Believe: Name something you wish for.
Warm, spring-like weather.
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