Sunday, February 25, 2007

A collection of Sunday memes

(All link at left on blogroll)

randomness...feed your mind and your blog

Would you rather....
1. a live cockroach (the big hissing ones) or eat a stick of butter?
Seeing as how there's no other information about the butter, I'll pick it. I'd be adding some flour and sugar, maybe some vanilla extract...{slurp} yummy.
2. ...go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Sky diving. I'd rather trust the parachute(s) than a piece of elastic.
3. a lime or a lemon?
Limes are smaller, so yeah: lime.
4. stranded on a deserted island alone or be stranded on a deserted island with someone you hate?
Oh, totally alone. No contest!
5. able to read minds or be able to become invisible?
Invisible. I already read minds pretty well--ask Sparky! I'm gradually becoming socially invisible, however, as do all middle-aged women.
till next time....

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Soldier :: Sailor
  2. Lipton :: Tea
  3. Reason:: Rhyme or...
  4. Terms :: Conditions
  5. Positive :: Energy
  6. Example :: e.g.
  7. Legacy :: Inheritance
  8. Solo :: ...and Ensemble Contest
  9. Instrument :: Music
  10. Later :: 'Gator

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ By the Way Sunday
~A Few Favorites~
What is your favorite...
...morning drink? Diet Dr. Pepper
...lunchtime treat? Crackers and cheese (or a Crunchwrap Supreme)
...afternoon snack? I'm not fussy, but something sweet keeps me awake
...comfort food supper? Mac & cheese (homemade)

What are the funny things you remember your parents saying? Do you say them to your kids?
Things my parents said:
"Your eyes were bigger than your stomach."
"Do you have a hollow leg?"
"If everyone else jumped off a cliff, I suppose you would, too."
"Were you born in a barn?!?"
"I'm not your maid."
"Grace" [when I tripped or did something else klutzy]
"Your legs are younger than mine."
"Bored? I've got a couple of ideas of things you could do..."
"Don't you walk away when I'm talking to you!"
"I'll wash your mouth out with soap."
"What an ugly face; hope it doesn't freeze like that."
"If I've told you once, I've told you a million times..."
"If you don't have some of everything on the table and clean your plate, there's no dessert for you." [I usually didn't even want dessert anyway!]
"You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached."
"I'll make you cut your own switch." [I never understood this: wouldn't she have cut a better one than I would??]
"Life's not fair."
"Stop dragging your feet!!"

Things I've found myself saying, either seriously or knowing full-well I'm quoting my mother with an eyeroll:
"I brought you into this world and I can take you back out and make another one just like you."
"Your legs are younger than mine." (serious)
"Don't you walk away when I'm talking to you!" (serious)
"Life's not fair."
"Don't you look at me that way." (serious)
"Finish your dinner; there are children starving..."
"When I was a kid..." (occasionally serious)
"Go outside and play. It's a beautiful day." (serious, and I've locked the door once or twice, too, to keep him out there!)
"When did you clean your ears last?" (serious)
"Look, I can see right through your head!" (when his ears are clean)
"I'll always love you, no matter what. I might not like you much sometimes, though."

0 sweet-talkers :

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