A Feminine Survey
Do you wear shoes that are actually too small? No. Life's too short for that.
Do you get up at least an hour early to get ready each day? If I have to leave the house, I'm up between 60 and 90 minutes for I have to leave.
Can you put on mascara with your mouth closed? Sure, but I don't wear mascara anymore. Allergies.
Does your heart break easily? Not so much anymore.
When buying underwear, what type of cashier do you look for? The one without a line. I'm too old for it to really matter anymore.
How many purses do you own? I think I have 2 or 3 regular ones, and two small ones. Mostly I just carry my wallet; haven't used a purse in over a year.
Do you get a little too emotional that time of month? I don't have a time of the month. It's all or nothing for me nowadays. I used to be mental a few days every month, though.
How many tubes of lipstick do you own? Uh, one? Maybe...
Do you expect the man to pay for dates? I don't date anymore, but my feeling is that whoever did the inviting should do the paying.
Do you prefer curling up on the couch watching tv or going out together? Depends. Staying home is nice when I'm tired.
Would you rather get flowers or a stuffed animal for Valentines Day? Flowers.
Do you enjoy cleaning the house? Nyet. Nein. Non. No.
Do you like to cook? Not really.
Can you sew? Yes.
Are you feminine or a tomboy? More the latter than the former.
Do you watch chick flicks? Yes.
Is your hair up? Yes, in a ponytail.
Is your phone right beside you? Nope. Beast keeps it by him.
Do you wish you were somewhere else? Nope. Here is good right now.
Do you have plans for tonight? Yes, another party.
Are you wearing makeup? Nope.
Are you wearing chapstick? Not much is left. Normally I have some on though.
Are you cold? My toes, nose and fingers are.
Are you tired? Always.
Are you excited? Getting there (re Xmas).
Are you watching t.v.? Not really. Golf is on. Yawn.
Are you wearing pajamas? Nope; jeans and long-sleeved T-shirt.
Who's the last person you IMed? Looks like that was Amy last Friday.
Who's the last person that called you? The last call we got was for Sparky. Before that....not sure. I'm sure it wasn't anything interesting or fun.
Anything you regret? Several things.
Ever lied? I'm 43. What are the odds?
Ever stuck gum under a desk? I don't think so.
Ever spit at someone? Not intentionally.
Ever kicked something living? Uh...probably?
Ever had your nails done? Yup.
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? No.
Have you cursed? Yep.
Have you yelled at someone? No. Wow! :-)
Have you gotten mad at someone? Not really.
Have you cried? No.
Have you called more than 3 people? I called three people this morning.
Have you IMed more than 3 people? See above...no.
Have you eaten anything gross? I've barely eaten anything at all, actually.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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