Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Survey Place

72 Random

1. What is the worst first impression you have made?
Oh, who knows? I'm sure there have been so many that I'm unaware of...

The one that I always remember is walking into a new church and asking a woman near the door where to "dump the baby." She turned out to be the associate pastor and a more wonderful person I've rarely met. We still belong to that church, though she's moved on.
2. What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you?
Again, so many. Having the waiter at Olive Garden flirt with me last year was pretty horrible.
3. Who are you jealous of?
I think I've almost given up jealousy. I envy people who can control their mouths in public.
4. What is the worst or craziest thing you have done for money?
Worked for this company during Christmas season one year.
5. What personality trait that you cannot stand?
6. What is the worst thing a parent has done to you?
By this I'm assuming the parent is supposed to be mine?

I think taking a hairbrush to my butt might qualify, though I definitely deserved some kind of punishment. At least I remember what I did wrong that time!!
7. What is your fantasy (it can be as sappy or x-rated as you want)?
"...I did have a fantastic fantasy life: I used to dance around the living room with my arms up like this. My fantasy was that it was an Indian chief and he'd say to me, 'Maggie, do you wanna dance?' And I'd say, 'Daddy, I would love to dance!'...

Ev'rything was beautiful at the ballet.
Raise your arms and someone's always there
Yes, ev'rything was beautiful at the ballet..."
Name that show...
8. Who do you absolutely hate and why?
MAS, cuz she thinks she's the Queen, when she's actually just a player.
9. What is the best revenge you have gotten?
10. What band or artist do you listen to that you don’t admit to? (i.e., 'NSYNC, Barbara Streisand)
If I don't admit to it..., I'll just answer the question: Backstreet Boys, though I can't stand Nick Carter.
11. Do you read the tabloids?
Only the headlines while standing in line at the grocery store--about 6 times a year.
12. Put the following in order, from what you think is most important or desirable to you to the least important/desirable: love, money, social status/popularity, intelligence, looks, passion.
Love, Intelligence, Passion, Looks, Money, Social Status/Popularity
13. What was the last lie you’ve told and what was it about?
I don't remember. Probably something yesterday afternoon about being "fine" while trying not to climb out of my skin in Sparky's, room.
14. What wouldn’t you give up/sacrifice for love?
My ability to distinguish right from wrong.
15. How did you know you were in love with someone? How did you know you weren’t in love?
It's about wanting to be around that person when I'm not able to be there. If the thought of being apart is difficult--and, mind you, this is an extended separation with no phone, physical or email contact--it might be love.

On the other hand, if I can't stand the thought of being close to someone, that's a good sign that the bloom is off the rose...
16. What are your fears?
Failure, being wrong, looking stupid (by accident--I don't mind looking stupid on purpose), being alone (like, no friends, not alone in the house)....
17. What is the most strangest or frightening thing you have experienced or witnessed that you can or cannot explain? (murder, ghost, aliens, etc.)
It wasn't frightening but it was quite weird: I heard my dad say my name very sternly in the kitchen of our previous house...about two years after he died. Unnerving, but a good kick in the butt.
18. What’s the worst thing someone has said to you?
Oh, well, again, so many from which to choose...

PsychoBoss once told me I was like a terrier when I took hold of something: I just don't give it up. Funny: she meant it negatively, too.
19. What’s the best compliment you have received?
My dad told me, as I arrived home from college one trip that coming down the jetway I walked with confidence and purpose, like I knew where I was going. It still makes me feel good inside.
20. If you could commit any illegal act without getting caught, would you? If so, what would you do?
Thinking small, I'd SPEED THROUGH [CRAP]VALLEY! :-)

Thinking bigger, I'd probably ship all the Bushies and their ilk to Neptune where they belong. Would that be illegal? Only if they didn't want to go, I suppose.
21. Explain one thing that made you laugh very hard.
Black humor. Kids' saying inadvertantly hysterical things; I can't think of anything recent, but Sparky used to call "rice" Mice. I'm trying to avoid specific people's names like Bill Murray, Richard Pryor, George Carlin....
22. What’s the worst thing you’ve done in order to climb up the social ladder at school, work, wherever?
I still feel bad about being horribly mean to D##na Lars#n in high school just because she was weird and dirty, and because everyone else was mean to her.
23. How would you like to die?
Quickly and painlessly.
24. What do you believe in?
I believe in God the Father almighty
Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ
His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried

And I believe what I believe
Is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not
The invention of any man

I believe that He who suffered
Was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and
On the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where
He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning to
Judge the quick and the dead
Of the sons of men


I believe it, I believe it
I believe it
I believe it, I believe it

I believe in God the Father almighty
Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son,
Our Lord
I believe in the Holy Spirit
One Holy Church, the communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sin
I believe in the resurrection
I believe in a life that never ends


I believe it, I believe
I believe it, I believe
I believe it, I believe it
Rich Mullins
25. Do you support our current president? Why or why not?
No, he's a moron, and the people around and including him are crooks. He lies, he has destroyed our economy, and he's sent several thousand people to early death out of greed and stupidity.
26. What is one thing that you would like to change about your body? What is one thing you would not change?
I'd like to not have my grandmother's poochy stomach. But I'm keeping my height.
27. Would you rather fart very loudly or piss in public?
How public is public? Probably the former.
28. Have you ever been teased/bullied? If so, describe the incident that affected you most.
My brother teased (and I guess, bullied) me throughout my childhood. I still don't take that kind of teasing well, nor do I react well to bullying. I tend to get my back up when I perceive people abusing power over me. After leaving my former job, I swore that I'd never work for a bully like PsychoBoss again. So far, I haven't, but there is one trying to run our library consortia right now....

I can't think of one incident specifically; just an agglomeration of bad feelings.
29. Have you ever teased/bullied someone? If so, describe the incident that you feel affected the victim most.
See above re D##na Lars#n.
I try not to do that to people I meet now, people who clearly are on the edges of society.
30. Would you rather have a one, random person you do not know killed, or one very important species in the animal kingdom vanish from the earth?
I'd rather have neither happen, thanks. My choice is not to choose.
31. Would you rather be rich and unattractive or poor but very attractive?
Who cares?
32. Would you rather be stabbed to death or drown?
NOT drowning! Not that.
33. Cats or dogs?
Dogs. Only cuz I'm so allergic to cats.
34. Black or white?
What? Black what? White what?

Please tell me this isn't about race...

I'm wearing a black T-shirt. I've only owned black dogs. Our regular dishes are plain white, and so are a lot of walls in this house.
35. Would you rather have it be night forever or daylight forever?
Definitely day.
36. Would rather be stuck in a relationship with someone you do not like for the rest of life, or be single for the rest of life?
Single. Jeez, no contest.
37. What bodily function do you find the most disgusting?

What? They asked!
38. What is the most degrading thing you feel you have done?
So many... I'm unable to choose, though there's certainly nothing beyond the pale.
39. When was the last time you cried and why?
Did I cry today? Yep: baptism this morning, very cute baby...who ralphed on his dad's shirt... (not why I cried).
40. Would you eat a very hairy and big caterpillar for $100?
41. Would you eat a human arm for $1000?
42. Would you pose for 1 nude picture for $100?
43. Would you rather sing or dance in front of an audience?
Sing. I'm not all that coordinated....
44. Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Sparky. And, to a certain extent, Beast.
45. Would you rather explain your sex life in detail to your parents or have sex with your enemy?
If I mumble, I could get through the parent thing. Mom had five kids, after all.
46. Do you believe in safe abortions for all women? Why or why not?
Yes. Women will have abortions one way or another. When men can get pregnant, they can start telling me and my sisters what to do with our bodies.
47. If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?
I'd like no one to die of malnutrition for the next ten years.
48. What do you think of people who commit suicide?
Depends on where I am with that person and how recent the death is. I know I've gone from fury to sorrow to suicidal thoughts myself, so I can't really answer this definitively.
49. Would you rather eat rotten cheese or drink rotten milk?
"Rotten" cheese? Like moldy? I'd have no problem cutting mold off cheese and eating it. Sour milk, though, I just couldn't do.
50. What is the most expensive item you have purchased and what was the price? Do you still have it?
Our house, the one we're living in.
51. Would you rather be stranded in the middle of a hot desert or be stuck in the middle of a bombing or shooting in the Middle East? Do
Do I have water in the desert? I'd probably take my chances there.
52. Have you ever received a grade lower than C- before? If so, for which subject?
53. Which would you choose: Your car never running out of gas (but it's a crappy looking car) or have a very expensive good looking car but you need to pay for the gas like everyone else?
Running out of gas isn't the only problem cars can have; I'll take the expensive (presumably) newer car.
54. Would you rather be a creature underwater or a creature with the ability to fly?
55. What is the most "taboo" thing you have done?
Hmm. I can't think of anything.
56. Would you rather wear really embarassing outfit or wear a really nice looking outfit, but with a big mustard stain on it?
Either. Who cares?
57. Who is someone you lost touch with that you wish to talk to/see again?
Teri, from high school
58. What is the most disgusting thing you have done?
Given birth...? It's not a pleasant experience.
59. If you knew you were going to die a very painful death in three months, would you kill yourself in a less painful way or go through with the pain?
Wow. Can't I have painkillers? I I don't know.
60. What physical characteristics do you consider attractive in the gender of your choice?
What a weird way to phrase this. I'll "choose" men: strength (both physical and otherwise), tenderness, willingness to admit a mistake, brains, kissable lips, ....
61. Would you rather bury dead people or be a plumber?
Dead people don't bother me. Some plumbing work is the pits. I'll work with the dead.
62. What was the last thing you ate? What was the last thing you drank?
Pizza. I haven't had anything to drink since then. And what it was was (surprise) Diet Dr. Pepper.
63. List some foods you cannot stand.
Brussels sprouts, liver, tomatoes, olives (hee), sweet pickles (or a lot of other pickled things, like herring), gefilte fish. Lots more; I can't think right now.
64. Now list some celebrities you cannot stand.
Tom Cruise has to top the list. After that...well, I don't really worry about this stuff that much.
65. Would you rather have absolutely no friends for one year or go to jail for one year?
I could NOT survive jail.
66. Fruits or vegetables?
67. Would you rather live on the streets or be stranded on an island all by yourself?
Could NOT live on the streets.
68. Would you rather be a pig or cow?
69. Say, it's almost Halloween. If you HAD to dress up, what would you be?
Witch. I don't even need a costume! :-)
70. What's the scariest movie you have seen?
Fatal Attraction. I don't see horror movies.
71. Explain the worst nightmare you have had?
I haven't had a scary dream for a long time. My bad dreams are usually worry dreams.
72. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
I knock wood a lot. Otherwise, I'm not really superstitious.

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