But, enough about books. . . what else do you read?? Magazines? Newspapers? Professional journals? Cereal boxes? Phone books? Purchase invoices? Homework? (Please be specific. There may be a test later.) I read almost everything from cereal boxes to toothpaste tubes to instructions for build-your-own furniture to...hmm...blogs.
It's probably easier to list what I don't read:
--science: really deep formula stuff is beyond meI have read all of the above at times (with the exception of the last one), but it's just not something I find enjoyable. I do like paging through dictionaries and phone books and encyclopedias. Reading car manuals is frequently enlightening ("Hey, did you know if we did this we could get a 5% increase in gas mileage??"). Reading the instructions on how to make/fix/build/use something is just sensible, even when they are translations of translations and not all that helpful.
--contracts: it's simply beyond me, though I know I should
--newspapers: this is qualified because I do read them, but only for local news that has a direct impact on me...like movie showtimes, who made the honor roll last quarter, what building permits the city has issued and where, that sort of thing. I don't read national or international news very often because it seems too polarized for me to even bother
--a lot of stuff written by hand by Sparky (non-schoolwork): his handwriting is appalling
--law; see contracts above.
--technical specs; see contracts above
--romance novels because There Be Dragons There (so easy for me to get sucked into reading nothing besides them)
--Tolkien. Too deep, too complicated, and the fans are too freaky
--poorly written stuff: blogs, emails, articles, whatever (by this I mean bad grammar, horribly-constructed sentences, disorganized thoughts, ridiculous assumptions....think Fox News, ok?)
--tea leaves, Tarot cards, etc. (though I used to be able to chart horoscopes): no time now, and little payoff
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