Thursday, August 3, 2006

3x Thursday

Life's Little Headaches

1. Have you ever had a migraine headache? If yes, do you get them often? How long do they last? How do you get rid of them?
I've had a few over the years, maybe 5 or 6 times. Often enough to know I'm blessed not to have them more often. The weirdest thing for me is that they don't start with paint but with double vision or some other wackadoo visual phenomenon. Now, I just take some pain meds immediately upon becoming aware of the possibility. If the headache part actually manifests, it's dark room/pillow over the face/"alone-time" for me. I had one that came and went for a week (that sucked) but normally, once I hit Dark Room Therapy and eventually fall asleep, I'm fine when I wake up.
2. What's the one thing in your life that stresses you out the most? Why? How do you handle it?
Winter stresses me out. It's just an awful time of year, one that I dread as it approaches every year. Last year, instead of starting in late November, it held off until early February, so at least I got to enjoy Christmas!
3. What's your worst personal habit (biting your nails, not putting stuff away, etc)? How do you work on making it better?
I spend wa-a-a-aay too much time online. I'm not actively killing myself to change, however. I stopped biting my nails about 5 years ago, but when live is terrible, I tend to start up again. And, I'm just lazy over all.
Bonus Question: How was your day yesterday? What did you do?
I worked 8 hours, got loads done and that was Very Good. Came home and the wireless was flaky; that was Annoying. Waited over three hours for our ISP to call me back (at 8:45 p.m.!) after two service calls from me: that was Beyond Bad and Frustrating.
Overall, I'd give the day a 6, down from an 8 when I left work. Oh, well.

...and the connection is going down again...

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