1. St. Louis Suffers From Heat, Rain, No Power. If you've been in an area suffering from the heat have you lost your power? What do you dislike the most when the power goes out?
Yes, we lost power from Monday at about 10 p.m. until 7:30 Wednesday morning. It went out again briefly at about 4 Thursday morning, just a flicker--long enough to have to reset all the clocks.2. Have you ever been embarrassed by a child? What was it about the event that embarrassed you? Do you see it as funny now that some time has passed?
When power goes out, the worst thing for us is that we lose our water pump, so we have no water: no showers, no tooth-brushing, no toilet-flushing.
I'm sure I have: I'm a mom. However, nothing has really stuck in my mind that a kid has said. Especially with preschoolers, they are only saying what they see or feel. How can I possibly hold it against them?3. Do you have a trick to get rid of the hiccups?
The usual thing is to hold my breath for as long as I can. If that doesn't work, I get a glass of water and drink it while holding my breath. The final two I don't have to use often: a spoonful of sugar washed down with that glass of water, or drinking out of the far side of a glass of water.4. Have you ever heard someone say, or read a word that you wanted to incorporate into your own vocabulary? If so, what was it? Have you been able to use it?
Serendipity. I love that word. It's fun to say, and it's a fun word to be able to use correctly.
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