Just for Fun
1. Have you ever ice skated?
Once. Or maybe twice. I sucked. It hurt my ankles, a lot. Never again.
2. Have you ever used a pair of roller skates that required a key to adjust them.
Nope, but I've sung the song...and I know all the hand motions to it.
3. What make was your first two-wheeled bicycle?
The "bought-used-at-a-junkyard-and-fixed-by-Dad" brand, which I received at age 12 on Christmas, took outside to learn to ride and was cruising the streets by my mom's birthday (12/27). I was thinking about this recently (I'm now going to break my arm patting myself on the back): I can't believe I stuck to it so completely at that age! I was really motivated to learn to ride a bike by teaching myself.
4. Where was it when you first learned to ride a two-wheeled bicycle?
My dad had a 70s' era (well, it was 1975 after all!) Olds Toronado which usually was parked in the street. I spent all day pushing myself along the length of the car and gliding as long as I could before falling off the sidewalk, skittering into the grass or just tipping over.
5. Which toy or game did you persistently harass your parents to get for you and then when you got it, it wasn’t as fun as you thought it would be.
My mom would be a better person to answer this. I don't remember. I didn't get a lot of toys (cry, go ahead: I'm begging for sympathy y'know). I got the Barbie Dream House when I was 7 or 8 and played with it incessantly before I gave up completely on Barbie dolls around age 11.
6. Do you remember a toy/game named: Boob Tubes?
No, and for that I thank my lucky stars.
7. An aggie, cat eye, popper, black beauty, shooter are all types of-
Oooh! Oooh! Mr. Kot-tere! I know!
8. Have you ever played Chinese or double Dutch jump rope?
Both. I was good at it, too.
9. As a child, did you ever have a W.T. Grant or J.J. Newberry in your area?
Whatever-the-hell they were....
10. Have you ever been to a soda fountain at a drug store. If so, what was the name of the Drug Store.
Yes. Multiple times: in Wyoming (can't remember the name of the town, but it's between Casper and Jackson, just about the time you're about to expire from boredom), at Woolworth's as a kid, and at Value-Rite in my sister's town in Colorado. Oh, and in Galena, IL. Obviously more places than I should probably keep in my memory banks...
Sunday night
5 years ago
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