Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday Threesome

::Hurry up... and wait::

Onesome: Hurry- What kind of driver are you? Always in a hurry, speeding to your destination, or going along with the flow whilst sticking to the speed limit exactly? Or are you somewhere in between? If you don't drive, are you always in a hurry, more laid back or some where in between, personally?
I tend to drive a conservatively safe 3-4 mph over the speed limit wherever I drive, unless everyone else is going too slow for that. If there's no rush, no specific time I need to be somewhere, I don't really worry about the rest of the traffic around me, just go with the flow. If I'm running behind, I do get tense. Beast tends to want to be FIRST regardless; FIRST and IN FRONT of everyone else. I just don't care.

I've been accussed of walking fast, but I've got long legs so that could just be complaints from shorter people. I've slowed down since Sparky's appearance so that he can keep up with me, but I still make people crazy by 'gunning it' and taking off without warning. I emphatically do not like meandering. I'm a point me and push me off kind of person: Point A to Point B to Point C.
Twosome: up- What drives you up a wall when you are driving? If you don't drive, just tell us your biggest pet peeve.
People who aren't paying attention to the world while driving make me insane. I've been known to get distracted in the car, so I know how easy it is. But really: just because you're on the phone, listening to a great song, arguing with someone in the car with you....none of that means you need to forget you are mainly trying to control a lethal weapon! Stop with the mascara, look for the quarter you dropped on the floor later, pull over to read the map, PUT DOWN THE PHONE...and drive. Dammit.
Threesome: and wait- You rushed to get where you needed to go on time, and now you face a wait. Your date's not ready, your table in the restaurant you booked isn't ready, or the doctor is running behind, whatever it is, you were on time, but they aren't. How do you react? Do you complain, sit and wait, all the while silently fuming, or just settle in and wait, accepting it as part of life?
Don't get me started on doctors.... {hrmph}

Most of the time I don't get too stressed over waiting. I'm aware that I'm not the center of the universe, and stuff happens that I don't know about to cause delays.

However, I do get really annoyed at doctor's offices if I've had an appointment set up way in advance and I have to wait more than a half hour or so. The pediatrician is the WORST: too many emergencies, too much time spent with patients, and not enough consideration taken when scheduling appointments!

If I have something to read, or something with which to write, I'm good for a long wait. Sitting around looking at nothing (examining room, empty rooms at train stations, etc.) are killer, though. I tend to start pacing after 10 minutes.

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