... or Pick Your Preference
OK I will remind the returning players and for the benefit of the newcomers how this works. You must pick one or the other from each item below. Either state which applies most to you or state your preference. If neither or both apply to you then for the sake of silliness you score a point. (Hold on - Points are bad)!
At the end you figure out your total score by subtracting your points from 10. Okey dokey?
1. soup or salad?
I'm trying to eat more salads, but I do love (some) soups!
Er, salad.
2. boxers or briefs?
I don't wear either.
I prefer briefs on boys. Naturally, my son won't wear anything but boxers, a choice he made about 6 years ago. This is the only clothing decision he's every shown any interest in, too.
3. pushup bra or pull in the reinforcements?
I'm not at all sure what the second choice is, and Lord knows I need the former....
4. money or kicks?
I have to choose? Shrug: money.
5. blog or snooze?
Who's to say it's not all the same?
6. escargots or frogs legs?
Ish... I have to pick neither. I've also never had either of them so what do I know.
7. next purchase or last purchase?
No clue what this means...I'm more into what I've already got, I guess.
8. funny silly or funny smutty?
What kind of choice is this?? :-)
9. Christmas or Easter?
From a theological perspective: Easter
From a fun perspective: Christmas
10. turkey or ham?
Turkey. I have occasional alleric issues with ham/pork.
My score: 7. Oh, well.
9-10 - You've got class but can get down 'n dirty with the best of 'em.
5 - 8 - The power of suggestion always works. Let's all sing now "Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad"
0 - 4 - Je ne sais pas. Je ne m'inquiète pas. There's a doggy in my bed.
Sunday night
5 years ago
0 sweet-talkers :
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