Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday's a Bitch

Sunny Delight

1. Do you concentrate more on fitness around summertime in hopes of looking more attractive in less clothing?
Nope. I think about it more, but I don't do anything differently. The fact is, however, there are a lot more healthy foods more readily available in the summer.

2. Tanning: Necessary and beautiful, or unattractive and potentially cancerous?
I have skin with two basic color choices: stark white or bright red. I'd like to tan instead, but at this point of my life I do understand that overexposure to sun--however you do it, tanning or burning--is a Very Bad Thing.

3. You're lying on a beautiful, sandy beach. What drink do you picture in your hand?
The only time I've done this, the drink in my hand was a tequila sunrise.

4. Do you have a cabin you go to every year, or a regular campsite perhaps? Do you love the outdoors, or does summer for you involve a close personal relationship with an air conditioner?
I'd love to have a cabin, but yes, it would have to be several steps above primitive: indoor plumbing is a must, as is heat and some of kind of cooling system. When we go to Maine, the cooling system is called "night."

5. Were your childhood summers full of memorable family vacations? Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Describe your most interesting one.
By the time I came along, my dad had figured out vacations. My sisters and brother never really had any because Dad never took time off work. However, vacations were usually spent visiting family, not sightseeing per se.

My most memorable vacation was the summer of '75 when my parents went to England for 5 weeks. I chose to stay with my sister near M!lwaukee instead of going with them (wtf??), so I lived with them for most of July and part of August. My sister was pregnant and had a 2-year-old. It was a fun summer; they pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. There weren't any kids my age in the neighborhood, so I spent a lot of time reading (they had all the Hardy Boys books, and a lot of the Nancy Drew series) and playing in the woods behind their house, and walking through the ginormous cemetery down the block. I decided to make a list of everyone buried in the cemetery, but only had about two notebook pages done when I left. I drank a lot of Diet Pepsi (like my sister), learned to do crossword puzzles, helped out with my nephew, and had a blast, probably thousands of times more fun than I would have had in England with my parents!

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