From Guess Who
Q1 - Actors & Actresses: Will you go out of your way to avoid watching a particular movie just because it features an actor or actress you do not like? What if the movie in question also features an actor or actress you do like?
Let's put it this way: I didn't see War of the Worlds last summer and I won't be seeing MI3 this year. This coming from a Cruise-freak for much of my early adulthood.
As a general rule, I don't care as much about who is in a movie (who the heck is Christian Bale?) than the reviews and the trailers. And, by the way, I know who Christian Bale is now, and he has certainly replaced Tom Cruise very well. ;-)
Q2 - Established Customs: Good habits like bad ones are habit forming. What's one habit you'd like to break?
Nail-biting. And saying "yes" when I mean "RUN AWAYYYYY!" when asked to do something for someone.
Q3 - Nuestro Himno: By now, everyone probably knows that "Nuestro Himno" is the Spanish language version of "The Star-Spangled Banner," and that U.S. President George W. Bush recently stated that he feels that the national anthem should be sung in English only. Despite the fact that the U.S. State Department's own web site features four Spanish language versions of "The Star-Spangled Banner," do you feel that the national anthem should be sung in English only?
The primary reason is that it was written in English in 1812 for and by Enlish-speaking people. Having said that, I don't really care if people want to sing it in Swahili or Hmong: go nuts. My question is: why sing it at all? It's a horrendous tune!
Q4 - Driving Age: Do you feel your state's age requirement for receiving a driver's licenses is appropriate as is, should be lowered, or should be raised?
Not a good question to ask the mother of a 13-year-old... I mostly think the rules we've got are fine. The first few years people drive, they are dangerous drivers, whether they are 16 or 38. It takes experience to know how to avoid situations that can spiral out of control. The problem with 16-year-olds is that they think their immortal. So do some 38-year-olds.
One of the rules that I do like in this state is that 16-year-olds have to have an adult in the car with them when they are driving. I think that goes until they turn 17? Or 18? That keeps them more careful. Theoretically.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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