04/20/y2k+6: 4/20
Earth Day
1. Weather [sic] or not you choose to partake (please do not post weather [sic] you do or not) in the herbalization process, do you believe it's okay for people to smoke marijuana? Why/why not? Do you think it should be legalized? Why/why not?
From all the legitimate research I've done (not the light 'em up kind, mind you), all I can say is that pot is certainly no worse for anyone personally or society as a whole than tequila. In fact, it might be somewhat better for us than tequila. And we could be making money on taxing it! What's wrong with those Republicans? [don't get me started]
2. Are you one of those people who judges others for what they choose to partake in, or do you figure, "to each their own"? Why?
Whatever floats your boat. With the additional idiotic idiom that your rights end where my nose starts. In English: do whatever you want until it endangers me (and my wallet).
3. Do you believe in the whole hooplah of Earth Day? Does it mean anything to you? Why/why not?
Do I 'believe' in it? Well, I applaud the environmentalists for their work and wish more people paid attention to the damage we're doing to the Earth. On the other hand, there are a million little ways that I could do more to cut down the amount of damage I do. And I don't do them. I'm too tired to do them.
Bonus Question: Do you believe recycling and doing things to save the environment *really* helps us in the long (or short) term? Why/why not?
Of course it does. It's also good for my Scots soul to see things not being wasted. {cheap cheap} As for why, look at it this way: lots of people burn their garbage, and around here they definitely burn leaves etc. in the fall (and God knows what the etc. is!). When it's at its worst, I can't leave the house because I can't breath or see out of my watering eyes. Think how the sky feels?
Incidentally, while the rest of the world goes merrily off doing their doobies at 4:20, can we spare a minute to think about the victims of the Columbine shooting 7 years ago?
Sunday night
5 years ago
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