Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

OK, it's Sunday, but I haven't done this in about two weeks, possibly three, because I keep forgetting about it on Thursdays. Loser, eh?

Thirteen Things about Cat.
1. I got more done in the last 36 hours here at home than I've done in a month. I'm a total slug.

2. What that means, I think, is that spring is coming. I always get all psycho-active when there is actually sunshine. 'Course, it's raining today, but it's a fun storm: thunder, lightning, the whole nine yards. Fun. Even if the power goes out, I'll have the laptop for light. How sad is that statement??

3. Plans are coming together, by the grace of God, for our Go-and-Serve trip to the Gulf Coast in June. Looks like it'll be a group of about 20 going to Mississippi for approximately a week to work on building new houses for people. I'm so excited, especially now that we know that the housing is air-conditioned at night!

4. Next week this time, I hope to be in bed asleep, because I will need to get up about 3:30 to leave for the airport to go to Boston for the PLA conference. I can't believe I'm excited about spending 4 days in a convention center listening to pep-talks and promos for library-related "stuff." But, I am. Go figure. I need a vacation this summer, don't I?

5. Right now, I really am enjoying my son. He's turning into an stand-up guy. I never doubted he would, but I did doubt on occasion that we'd make it there together.

6. I had a wonderful talk with my mother-in-law this evening. I'm very very lucky to have her as a m.i.l. She's the bomb. The only downside? I now feel guilty because I haven't called my own mother in weeks. sigh...

7. Today's sermon was all about faith, as opposed to wishes/wanting. Lots of good stuff to chew over, nothing dramatically new, but still something to remember. One good thought was to think of what we wish for: that's what we put our faith in. If we wish for power, or money, or fame, or whatever, that's what we really think is worth being faithful to. Hmmmm.

8. We are really pleased with the color scheme we've decided on in the house. So far. There's still a long way to go, but Beast is working hard, and it's coming together.

9. My sister and her husband are flying to Colorado this week to visit my mom (and other sister). I really thought that last summer's trip for my niece's wedding would be N.'s last trip here; the Parkinson's has a terrible grip on her now. She's writing much fewer emails, and they are short and full of typos and so forth, but she soldiers on. And it will be good for both her and my mom to spend time together; neither of them is going to last much longer realistically. They've both become a bit like shells of their former selves, or maybe the shells are gone and what we're seeing now is their actual selves. Hmmm, I'll have to ponder that; hadn't really thought of it that way.

10. To be honest, there is a lot in our lives to be sad and worried about: N., with P.D., my mom with all her 'issues', Beast's mom (upcoming shoulder surgery and taking care of his Dad), Beast's dad (early-stage Alzheimer's), Beast himself (is his back going to hold up?? What's next to 'fail'??), my messed-up brother-in-law and his kids (an ongoing spiral of alcoholism-fallout and dysfunction that I just can't seem to get a good handle on), my brother (and his wife, also an alcoholic with depressive tendencies), my niece (one of her cats died this week, and she's on the depressive side as well).... And that's just family members. Let's not get started on the friends' list! Life gets more complicated the older you get, and the more people you know. It's much easier to live in a cave and contemplate your belly button and not care about the pain and suffering around you.

11. I have a teleconference to do tomorrow. I'm really dreading it. But! I hope it's the last one of its kind. It just sucks working hard on something that, ultimately, I'm not going to like being part of regardless of what decisions are made on the telecon.

12. My cold is nearly gone. Just the grody remnants, but I sleep all night without any problems last night!

13. I'm wearing just what I wore to church today still (at 8:15 p.m.): Old Navy stretchy jeans (flared) with an Eddie Bauer belt, black socks, and my red Ferrari zip-front, short-sleeved shirt. My hair is in a braid, a real braid (not a French braid), that I did; the first time it's worked for me in decades! And tomorrow is Monday, my favorite day of the week.
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

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