A collection from Pomgirl.
Seven Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Write a book
2. Visit every continent except Antarctica
3. Lives in a foreign country for a year or more
4. Have grandchildren, and enjoy them thoroughly
5. Try marijuana
6. Get my motorcycle license
7. Try parachuting out of a plane
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Shoot a gun
2. Speak Chinese
3. Enjoy shopping as a pasttime
4. Tolerate hypocrites
5. Stop being allergic to dogs
6. Sleep less
7. Love Sparky more
Seven Things that Attract Me To Blogging:
1. I like to talk
2. I like to read about people's lives
3. It's the only way I've ever been able to keep a diary over time
4. I like computers
5. The quizzes and memes
6. Eventually, perhaps, it will get me to the point where I can publish something
7. I can vent without pissing the people off about whom I'm venting
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. Shit
2. Crap
3. Where are my keys/my wallet/etc. etc.?
4. What's for dinner?
5. Can we eat out tonight?
6. I'll never catch up.
7. You're weird.
Seven Books I Love:
1. Jane Eyre -- Charlotte Bronte
2. A Tale of Two Cities -- Charles Dickens
3. The Book of Ruth -- Jane Hamilton
4. All the Little House books -- Laura Ingalls Wilder
5. The Message
6. Alice in Wonderland -- Lewis Carroll
7. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -- J.K. Rowling
Seven Movies/DVDs That I Watch Over and Over and Over Again:
1. Heathers
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Any of the Wallace & Gromit movies
5. Young Frankenstein
6. Shoah
7. Matrix
Seven celebs who I would be friends with:
1. Melissa Etheridge
2. George Clooney
3. Matthew McCaughnehey (or however you spell it)
4. Stephen King
5. Robert Duvall
6. Sandra Bullock
7. Tina Fey
Seven People I Want To Join In:
Feel free...
Sunday night
5 years ago
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