1. What is the most difficult aspect of your current job?
Getting it done. Organizing my time. It's the same thing.
2. What is the easiest aspect of your job?
Getting into the zone and cataloging stacks of books.
3. How many keys are there on your keyring right now? Are you able to recall exactly what every key on your keyring actually unlocks?
I have two keyrings: work and other.
Work: 2 keys. One opens the all the locks in the building and the other opens the district bookdrop.
Other: 6 keys. They unlock the car, the truck, the house, the post office box, the outside of our church, and the offices at church.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What kind of an elitist are you?
You speak eloquently and have seemingly read every book ever published. You are a fountain of endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and never fail to impress at a party.
What people love: You can answer almost any question people ask, and have thus been nicknamed Jeeves.
What people hate: You constantly correct their grammar and insult their paperbacks.
What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Huh. I expect I am a snob in this area, but I certainly don't insult people's paperbacks (to their faces...). {joking}
5. What is your least favorite ethnic food, and what makes it your least favorite?
I've never tried it, but I can't stand the thought of eating raw fish (i.e. sushi).
6. If you were a different person, but were to meet someone identical to who you are and how you behave right now, would you likely be friends with that person? Why or why not?
Sure. I'm relatively easy to get along with, except when I'm a raving lunatic.
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