You've been invited to a toga party, the rules state is that you MUST wear a toga, AND that you MUST use the sheets that are on your bed now. What will your toga look like?
This week they are beige with dark blue stripes.
What is the last thing you purchased?
Dinner last night.
What is the first thing you do when you come home from work?
Unload my pockets (cell phone plugged in, work keys on hook) and go through the mail.
What is your favorite Bill Murray movie?
Not the one some of you may think (though "Groundhog Day" is a sentimental favorite for more than the obvious reason). I actually think "Caddyshack" is hilariously funny, but only the parts that he's in.
Does your home have a junk drawer? What is the last thing you put in there? Does anyone ever clean it out/organize it?
Yes, finally. We didn't have one in our last house and it was impossible! The last think I put in there...hmmm, maybe some stick-tack for hanging stuff on the walls (which was holding some Christmas stuff on the wall). Somehow I seem to take more stuff out of there than put stuff in it; how can that be? Beast cleaned it out last year sometime when it wouldn't close anymore.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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