True or False (and feel free to elaborate)
1. I consider myself to be very organized.
True. Well, I'd like to consider myself organized, and mostly I am, but boy, there are some areas where I'm totally NOT.
2. I tend to get more done when I'm pressed for time.
VERY true. Which may explain why I haven't gotten much done since Christmas.
3. Multi-tasking is something I do often.
True. Sometimes to the detriment of each of the tasks I'm doing...
4. I might be a perfectionist.
True, at least in the sense of "Hello, my name is Cat. and I'm a perfectionist." My sister is REALLY a perfectionist. I'm in recovery compared to her.
5. I enjoy Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays.
True. I love Mondays. Then again, I don't work (for pay) on Mondays, either. So my Tuesday is everyone else's Monday; and I do like Tuesdays. Fridays at work suck 100%.
6. If I didn't make a list (or hang a post-it note) I'd forget what it is I need to do.
True. I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached. Ask my mom; she used to tell me that all the time.
7. I have no problem asking for help when I don't understand something.
Sunday night
5 years ago
0 sweet-talkers :
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