Growing Up
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was very young, I wanted to be a supermarket checker because of the cash register buttons. I thought it was so cool how they rang stuff up.
I think there were vague moments of wanting to be a teacher (because my sisters were teachers), but overall, I don't remember having a goal.
2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened?
No. I couldn't because those kinds of cash registers are gone. Everything is scanned now, and there are times when I do my own scanning (which I love!) at the grocery store.
When I got a little older, I realized that teaching would be fun, but the rest of the crap would suck (dealing with administrators, parents, etc.).
3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse?
Generally, I'd say that it's pretty much what I pictured, for good or ill. Maybe better, a little.
4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self?
"The next 10 years will suck. Hold on to what's important, keep faith in yourself, don't let people push you around (too much), and HAVE FUN!!!"
5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become?
I hope so. I wouldn't necessarily like me as a mom, but I think I'm enough like my sisters that I'd like me. I mostly liked my sisters, who were pretty much grown up from the time I can remember.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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