1. Do any of your friends, family or co-workers know about your blogs? For those that do, did you tell them or have they stumbled upon it by themselves?
Several of my friends know about my "main" blog. Two "voices from the past" have discovered my blog because I mentioned them by first-and-last-name. I don't do that anymore. (hah!) It was good to hear from them, though.
Some people know about all my blogs, some know about just the one, some know about a few of them and not the others. I don't think anyone has found me besides those two guys from high school...at least they haven't contacted me!
2. How did you come up with the title of your blogs?
My first blog was just something about books; I can't remember what it was. My second (main) blog was to separate the books from the rest of my life, and it began as "Sweet Dreams." Then I started this blog, so "Sweet Memes" was a play on the other title. Since then, I've retitled the Dreams blog, and the others have just mutated from there.
3. Do you prefer to have many projects going on at once or do you prefer multitasking?
Isn't this the same thing?? Multitasking is doing a bunch of projects at once. And yes, I prefer that. Sometimes. Except when I don't.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What high school stereotype are you?
I'm dying with laughter--One of the questions is this:
It's finally Sunday. I'm...
a) role-playing.
b) in my room. Alone. With a sharp object.
c) watching football with my friends.
d) wait.. I know this one... forty-two!
e) plotting the destruction of the human race.
f) with my newest boyfriend/girlfriend.
g) at church, of course.
The answer, of course, is D!
But, my answer for the quiz as a whole (as I was in high school) is:
Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.
Hello Sherri. And Adam Ant. This is about 90% right, especially about the college stuff.
My answer for me now is:
...which is about 100% wrong.
5. What was the hardest thing to master when you were learning to drive?
The only thing I got dinged for on my driving test was speeding up to get through a stale green light. The instructor had to explain what a "stale green light" was...
I never did figure out parallel parking.
6. How well did you do with that one thing on your very first driver's exam?
Didn't have to do it. Haven't really needed to until about 10 years ago when I moved to a small town that still has places to parallel park!
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