Blender Day
1. What's your favorite dish and/or drink that's made in a blender?
I love malts. Vanilla ice cream, malted milk, and a little butterscotch or caramel. Yum.
2. What's the strangest thing you've ever put in a blender, or ever seen put in a blender?
No good stories here. But I have a reciped that calls for blending, among other things, cottage cheese. What's the point of chopping up cottage cheese?
3. What kind of day are you having? A chop day (everything's kind of slow and boring so far), a puree day (everything's fast and exciting), a turned-off day (nothing particularly interesting is going on) or a don't-take-the-lid-off! day (everything's a huge sticky mess)?
Turned-off. Maybe chop...? Hopefully we don't go to the last choice!!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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