Stolen from Robert. Because I'm a sucka for memes.
In case you hadn't noticed....
Layer One
Name: Cat. Otherwise known as a lot of names. Including "bitch" and "mom." Not from the same mouth, however....
Birthdate: Just before midnight ten days before Kennedy was shot. Work it out.
Birthplace: Denver, Colorado
Current Location: I work in a small city far to the north and east of the geographic center of the United States. I live 20 minutes north of that in a former resort-y kind of town that has gone to hell. My neighborhood excluded. Ahem.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: What you see: reddish-brown. What Shantell sees: brownish-gray.
Righty or Lefty: Righty. My left arm is useless.
Sun Sign: Scorp
Innie or Outtie: Innie. What a weird question.
Layer Two
Your heritage: American mutt, with parts made up of the British Isles (all of them), France, Dutch, maybe some German.
The shoes you wore today: My comfy velcro ones.
Your hair: Didn't we do this? Oh, well, it's the classic midwestern page-boy thing, about shoulder-length, now with bangs (or a fringe, depending on where you are).
Your eyes: The original equipment are very sore today. They are smallish and a bit bloodshot usually in the winter. The purchased equipment are thin silver frames, fairly round, and fabulously dirty right now.
Your weakness: Sugar. Sad stories. Cute furry things: dogs, cats, guinea pigs....
Your fears: Failure. Crowds of people
Your perfect pizza: Canadian bacon, onion and lots of mozzarella
One thing you'd like to achieve: Knowing my son is happy and relatively well-adjusted.
Layer Three
Your most overused phrase: "I should be doing something."
Your first waking thoughts: "Gaaaah" [actually, I usually start thinking about what needs to be done that day, but the first-first though is incoherent]
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Overall face shape, hairline, eyes, build, and most importantly, SMILE.
Your best physical feature: Er, nose? Uhm, legs? I don't know. I like my feet, actually.
Your bedtime: The plan is to be asleep by 11 at the latest most nights. Before the arrival of the Laptop, I usually achieved that.
Your greatest fear: Being wrong about something important.
Your greatest accomplishment: Not killing my first boss. On a more positive note, being married for almost 20 years.
Your most missed memory: Helping my dad with construction projects around the house.
Layer Four
Pepsi or Coke: Neither: Dr. Pepper
McDonald's or Burger King: McD's for the fries. Otherwise, BK.
Single or group dates: Pretty sure I only date my husband, so singles. If I were single, I'd probably prefer group dates unless I knew the guy pretty well.
Adidas or Nike: What's on sale?
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Yick. Real tea, please.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with caramel topping. Or a malt.
Cappuccino or coffee: Ick. I like the smell of coffee, though.
Layer Five
Smoke: Only from the ears and nose when irate. Never picked up a lighted weed of any kind, which is a good thing because I expect I'd find it impossible to quit.
Cuss: Uh, well, yeah.
Sing: Yes. Generally I can carry a tune.
Take a shower everyday: Shower or bath. I try not to do both in the same 24-hour period; my baths use so much water I feel guilty enough.
Have a crush(es): Not right now. I've had them, but not lately. Too busy. And most of the guys I see at work are...uh...not crushable.
Who are they: See above
Do you think you've been in love: Yes. I think so. {snort}
Want to go to college: Yes. I love learning, but I sure don't know if I could put up with some of the BS that goes along with college.
Like high school: I like looking back at it more than I enjoyed it at the time.
Want to get married: Not again. That would be bigamy (or is there another word for having two husbands?). In any case, I already am.
Believe in yourself: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on the subject at hand.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes. I had a very good typing teacher in high school. She taught my sisters as well, so she was probably 60 when I appeared.
Think you're attractive: I don't think about it. I don't think I'm frighteningly ugly.
Think you're a health freak: God, no. No one could accuse me of that!
Get along with your parents: I always got along well with my dad. I don't remember too many times when he yelled at me. My relationship with my mother, however, has long been fraught. I love her to death, but I figured out when I was quite young that we're too much alike. That fact now scares the shit outta me.
Play an instrument: I took piano lessons for about three years when I was young. I also play flute, but I haven't really done much with it for over a decade.
Layer Six
In the past month, did you...
Drink alcohol: Yes. Eggnog with rum.
Smoke: No
Do a drug: Only legal ones.
Make Out: I'm married. This is a weird question. Yes. I think so, but can married people actually make out?
Go on a date: Beast and I haven't gone out alone in a long time. At least, not that I remember.
Eat an entire box of Oreos: Eeeeuuuwww. Absolutely not!
Eat sushi: I prefer my former animals cooked before I eat them. So, no. Never have had it. Don't plan on trying it, either.
Been on stage: No
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No. I fall down too often to consider this fun.
Made homemade cookies: No Christmas cookies at our house this year.
Been in love: Yes
Gone skinny dipping: It's winter. I don't think so.
Dyed your hair: Yes
Stolen anything: No -- well, maybe some extra sleep in the mornings....
Layer Seven
Have you ever...
Played a game that required removal of clothing: No--I'm assuming a heated game of Twister doesn't really count?
If so, was it mixed company: n/a
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Not for a very long time...Thank God!
Been caught "doing something": Does this mean "been caught having sex"? If so, no.
Been called a tease: Not in a sexual sense. At least, not that I remember.
Gotten beaten up: Yes, but not for 30-odd years. Playground fight. Not so much beaten up as bitch-slapped damn hard.
Shoplifted: Yes
If so, did you get caught: No
Changed who you were to fit in: Of course. Name someone who says they haven't done this and I'll show you a blatant liar.
Layer Eight
Age you hope to be married: I hope I'm still married for a lot of years yet. I got married at 22.
Numbers and Names of Children: I have one nearly-13-year-old named after both of his grandfathers (and his dad). I always wanted a girl so I could name her after my mother; ironically, my mother hates her middle name, the one I was going to use.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Now? If I had to do it again, I'd elope and then have a big party after we returned.
How do you want to die: Like George Carlin, I want to be blown up. Or just go to sleep.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Coherent
What countr(ies) would you most like to visit: Ones I haven't been to: Egypt, Peru, Ireland, Kenya
Ones I'd like to revisit: Italy, Greece, Russia
Layer Nine
Number of men you have kissed: Really kissed? Probably 7 or 8 that I can recall right now.
Number of boyfriends you've had: Like Robert, that depends on your definition. Probably 3 or 4.
Number of drugs taken illegally: I'm equivocating again. I haven't taken any drugs that are banned, but I have taken other people's meds, not intended for me.
Number of people I could trust with my life: Two
Number of CDs that I own: Possibly around 50, plus all the mix-CDs
Number of piercings: One in each earlobe
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Nothing for anything fun or interesting. Occasional stories about church or work, nothing else.
Number of scars on my body: Most of my scars, like everyone else's are internal. I have one "zipper" on my abdomen from surgery 8 years ago, and some miscellaneous small nicks on my hands. Oh, and a dime-sized chunk on my right knee where I fell down on a metal thing as a kid.
Number of things in my past that I regret: I regret not saying goodbye properly to my sister and father. Otherwise, there's not a thing I'd change, although I'd prefer not to go through a lot of it again.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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