1. First time you cooked for someone else?
Outside of immediate family: I made mac n cheese for Beast in the basement of his dorm (that's where the kitchen was) our senior year.
2. First time you threw up in someone else's toilet?
I threw up at school once when I was about 10. Does that count? There were innumberable sessions in the bathroom in college.
3. First time you did anything illegal?
Hmmm, anything?? I stole some Tic-Tacs when I was around 12, I guess.
4. First time you saw snow/the ocean (whichever is more exotic)?
I grew up in Colorado. I think the first time I saw the ocean was in San Diego when I was about 13. As far as I was concerned it was pretty boring. I still haven't seen the Atlantic, from this side anyway (I saw it in England at about 18).
5. First thought when I say "crumple-horned snorcack"?
WTF? Followed by, "Must be something out of a fantasy novel."
Sunday night
5 years ago
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