Turkey Talk
1. On what day do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
The fourth Thursday of November, except when there is good reason to celebrate a different day.
2. How do you traditionally celebrate this food filled holiday?
In the past 10 years, I've cooked the meal at least 7 times. Otherwise, I spend it doing dishes and watching football and laughing.
3. How do you like your stuffing cooked (in the bird, separately in a dish, store bought, etc.)?
Separately, either baked in a casserole or just in a dish. I don't make my own; I buy a boxed/bagged kind. NOT Stove Top.
4. What is your favorite dessert to eat on Thanksgiving and who makes it?
Non-pumpkin pie. And I usually buy either apple or cherry pies at the bakery, along with a pumpkin pie for my 'boys.' Sometimes I get enough time and energy to bake my own. Not this year, no way!
5. Can you name five things you are thankful for?
My family, both here and scattered around the world.
Good friends.
Good insurance, good medical care, and good jobs to pay for same.
Being able to read, do crosswords, and other relaxing things; both for the ability to do them and for the time to do them. (from my other blog)
Sunday night
5 years ago
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