1. Ice cream or Yogurt? Ice cream
2. What's your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit
3. Do you play video games? If yes, what game system(s) do you use? No, because I know that’s all I’d do all day if I started.
4. If you were given a chance to change your name, would you do it? If yes, what would your new name be? I’d probably go back to using my “maiden” name. But not until Sparky got done with school. It’s confusing enough now!
5. What are the last 2 blogs that you've visited? Please share the links with us so we can check them out. Shelly’s Malt Shop (where I got this meme) and Matthew (I am his antithesis in every way, except that we work in libraries).
6. What's your biggest frustration? My self.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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