from Shelly
1. Which household chore do you really hate?
Floors. Anything about cleaning floors: mopping, vacuuming...the whole deal.
2. Which chore do you like doing?
Bathrooms don't bother me.
3. What is the worst job you've ever done?
Receptionist sub. BOR-RING.
4. What would be your dream job?
I like cataloging books. I like everything about it except the people.
5. What's the worst job you can imagine?
Restaurant kitchen work.
6. What is the happiest event you've experienced?
My wedding.
7. What is the saddest thing you've experienced?
My sister's death.
8. Have you experienced true love?
9. Is there anyone you hate? Why?
No. There is something positive in everyone (although, frankly, I'm usually not bothered to look that hard; I just run the other way).
10. How many countries have you visited?
11 (or 14 depending on how you count): the U.K. (England and Scotland), Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Poland (v. briefly), the former Soviet Union (Russian, Azerbaijain, Kazhakstan), Outer Mongolia, China, Mexico, Canada.
11. How many houses have you lived in?
Not counting college (although I lived all four years in the same dorm), I count 6 addresses: two apartments, four houses.
12. How many towns have you lived in?
Counting college, six.
13. How many schools/colleges have you attended?
Elementary school, junior high school, high school, college (4 years), university (18 months): 5
14. How many cars have you had?
It has come to my attention lately that I've never owned my own car, alone. When we got married, the Beast had a Pinto (horrors!). Since then we've had a Toyota pickup, a Monza (horrors again!), a Dodge Horizon, a Chrysler Voyager, a Honda Accord and a Ford Ranger. The last two are our current vehicles.
15. How many people live in your house?
Three, plus two cavies.
16. How many pets have you had?
2 dogs, several birds (a parakeet when I was little, and finches), 2 cavies.
17. How many siblings do you have?
When I was born, 3 sisters, 1 brother. Now down one sister. I have 4 nieces and nephews, ranging from age 36 to nearly 20.
18. How many drinks make you drunk?
Nowadays, only one strong one gets be tipsy. Two would probably make me sleep. I used to be able to drink more. [who didn't?]
19. How many websites do you have?
Too-freakin'-many blogs! I have access to about 8 of them.
20. How many hours a day are you online?
On workdays, 8-10. When I'm at home, usually not more than 2...we have a modem and it's SLOW!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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