Friday's Feast (a day late)
Appetizer - If you could have a free subscription to any online service, which would you like to have?
This is surprisingly hard. Uhm, would be up there. FirstSearch. Novelist. But I can get all of these via my library's website, and while I'm here at work. So, I guess it's the old standby: OED.
Soup - Describe your bathroom (furnishings, colors, etc.).
My bathroom--well, mine and The Beast's--is pretty boring. White walls. Eventually, they'll probably be a pale blue with some deep red highlights somehow. Besides the requisite mirror, towel bars, etc. we have hung up a poster we found at Ikea of a lighthouse in a storm (ours has a baby-blue frame instead of black). Lots of cupboards, very unorganized, but not full. BIG tub/shower combination. Lighthouses on the shower curtain. Lighthouses on one of the rugs in there; the bathmat is dark blue, as are the towels. Yankee candles on the counter and next to the tub (both in jars, not votives, and no I don't light them both at once...ick). On the counter is Kleenex, ceramic fish design soap dispenser and cup set, small pale blue vase holding my toothbrush (Beast's is in the medicine chest). Small ceramic platter for my earrings and watch. I believe there is a paperclip and a safety pin lying there for some reason today, and a book. Possibly two. Oh, yes, and magazines on the counter and in a pretty wire box on the floor.
Salad - What does the shape of a triangle make you think of?
Delta. Studying chemistry in college with The Beast. The three of us in my family.
Main Course - Name 3 things or activities that you consider to be luxuries.
(and many many others)
Dessert - What was the last really great movie you watched?
"Chocolat" was the last movie I watched (got it for Christmas). Not sure if it's GREAT, but it was enjoyable. The last great one was probably...hmmm....I can't think of any recent ones. Sorry.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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