Sunday, December 19, 2004

Stealing shamelessly...

...because I'm too lazy to go find the proper links. So, thanks to Shelly who found them for me.

"The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, 'Is there a meaning to music?' My answer would be, 'Yes.' And 'Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?' My answer to that would be, 'No.'" --- -Aaron Copland

1) Can you play a musical instrument? If so, which one(s)?
Yes. I took piano for 3 or 4 years when I was in elementary school, and I played flute from 7th grade through sophomore year of college, when my college band director and I parted ways. He was a yutz.

2) If you could be part of any band or musical group on the planet, which one would it be and who would you be and why?
Salt 'n Pepa is the first one that springs to mind. Or the B52s.

3) What is your favorite genre of music?
Jeez, almost anything but (most of) the current round of pop/rap. Probably 70s and 80s rock is the most nostalgic, but I like songs from musicals, classical, African pop, raga, reggae...

4) What is your least favorite genre of music?
Opera and rap. (thanks, Shelly) Although I'm starting to 'get' SOME opera. And I like early rap/hip-hop.

5) What was the last song you heard or what are you listening to right now?
Sadly, it was a Nutcracker song played over highlights from a football game earlier this afternoon. Why? Don't know.


Unconscious Mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?

Perfect Gift:: Time
Santa:: Baby. Anna. (Santayana)
Lucy:: Peanuts
Buckets:: of snow (I have a Christmas ornament...too hard to explain, but it's cute)
Recital:: see above, first meme; my piece was called "Seasons" one year; it had crossovers. Woooo--aren't we impressed!
Stamp:: Christmas cards
Teacher:: classroom
Matchbox:: car (again, thanks Shelly!)
Spit:: shine
Feeling:: "Whoa whoa whoa FEEEEEELings!"

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