Thursday, October 28, 2004

One of the joys of living in different places is...

You know you're from Denver if...
(like Jenica, I've bolded the ones that apply to me, leaving normal those that apply to "others I know")

You identify directions by the location of the mountains.

When visiting friends at sea level, you can drink a case of beer and not get a buzz. (well, I could when I actually lived in Colorado anyway...)

Snow in June is not unheard of. Neither is 100 degree weather.

You scoff at the weatherman on TV. Especially when giving a five-day forecast.

"Timberline" is somewhere you’ve actually been. Many times.

You know what a "Chinook" is.

You know what the "Peoples Republic of Boulder" is - and why it's called that.

You know what a "fourteener" is.

You know what a "Rocky Mountain Oyster" is. (yish, never eaten one though--ishyick--guess proves I'm a suburbanite)

You think a red light means three more cars can go. The fast lane is for cruising and the slow lane is for passing. Turn signals are optional.

Shorts are worn year around, regardless of temperature.

"Wildlife" means more than squirrels and pigeons. You don’t stop and look when you see deer.

You’re not sure if Colorado extends west of the Rockies.

You know where Buffalo Bill's grave is.

You own a big dog named Aspen, Buck, Cheyenne or Dakota that wears a bandana.

The entire top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail.

You think that formal wear is ironed denim. (wait! What, it isn't?? Aw rats)

You've never actually been to Aspen, much less ski there.

"Damn Rockies" is an expression you use when you can't find a parking spot Downtown.

During a thunderstorm you wonder which I-25 underpass is flooding.

If it rains more than 2 days straight you compare the weather to being in Seattle.

If the humidity gets above 25%, you consider it muggy.

People driving on the 16th Street Mall are considered "tourists." (not to mention lawbreakers and stupid--although the latter is redundant)

The biggest event of the year is the Western Stock Show.

The only RTD bus you've been on is the 16th Street shuttle.

There is not enough money in the world to get you to move to the Springs.

When giving directions, you never say "Turn left, turn right", it's always go West, then South. (but only when I'm in Denver---can't do that here!)

You think 5-Points is a ghetto.

You consider LoDo a tourist trap with expensive condos.

You have absolutely no recognizable accent.

You have been skiing less than 3 times in your life. (Hallelujah Jesus, I'm not alone!)

You know that "The Narrows" refers to I-25 between University and Broadway.

You know where the city ended when you were a kid, and would never move further out than that boundary.

You merge onto the highway at 15 miles an hour. (Drives people here nuts, one of my main reasons for doing it. I'm improving, though.)

You never plan a picnic between 3:30 and 6:00 in Spring or Summer months.

You only go to Lodo when friends are in from out of town. (We are the friends, though)

You say things like "I don't care how big Parker is, it's still a one-horse town".

You see no reason to travel to Aurora.

You think most of the people in Colorado Springs are religious freaks.

You think the rest of the freaks live in the "People's Republic of Boulder." (...this would be my mom's thought-pattern--except she thinks they all live there...)

Thornton, Northglenn and Westminster are "Another State." (especially Thornton)

You actually get these jokes...


You know you're from Milwaukee if... (0r Wisconsin in general)

You've been to the Rep and could smell beer, brats, and kraut.

You drive around with little Green Bay Packers flags on your car.

You and your friends spend all day Sunday drinking at the bar, bashing the Cubs.

You don't know that Schlitz, Blatz, and Pabst aren't brewed in Milwaukee anymore. (don't really care either, but that's a different story...)

You know people who have tied dead animals to the hoods of their cars.

You know what a "Supper Club" is.

You've eaten beer, brats, and kraut for breakfast.

You think "The Safe House" is better than Disneyworld.

You won't let a car from out of state go faster than you.

No matter where you go you see the Jesus Car - and can't understand what's coming out the speakers.

You cruised Hwy 100 or Sherman Ave.

You own at least one tie with a or peice of jewelry with a Green Bay Packer theme.

You can find and pronounce : Eau Claire, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, and La Crosse, Fond du Lac. (piece o' cake!)

You can correctly spell Milwaukee.

You know what "bubbler" means.

A holstein cow outside of Wisconsin makes you miss home.

When talking about the Green Bay Packers you refer to them as "we."

When the weather hits 0 degrees you decide that maybe it's time to get out a jacket instead of a sweatshirt.

The family gets together every week for fish fry at the local pub.

You know what a brat is, and they're at every outdoor event that your family has ever had.

You know how to make a very good sled out of normal household items. (it was called "traying" in college...hint hint)

You have watched Fargo and not noticed an accent.

The local paper needs 6 pages to cover the Packers... in July!

Your best shirt has a big letter G on it.

You've said "Of course they'll win. They're God's team."

You family owns a "winter car" while the "good one" sits in the garage from Nov-Apr. (Hi Linda)

Your put ketchup on a charcoal grilled NY strip steak.

You think everyone from south of Madison has an accent.

Down South to you means Chicago. (used to)

You can make sense out of the words "upnort" and "Trivers." (or N'aubrn)

You have to go to Florida to get a tan in August.

You consider Madison exotic.

You can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London & Poland all in one afternoon.

You can recognize someone from Illinois from their driving. (absolutely--and believe me that's not a compliment!)

You buy cat litter every winter, but you don't own a cat.

You know what to do with a Blatz. (but I don't do it)

You don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Bucky the Badger hangs on your Christmas tree even if you didn't go to University of Wisconsinm Madison.

You can use the word "ya der hey" easily in a sentence.

You hear someone use the words "uff-dah" and you don't immediately break into uncontrollable laughter. (I say uff-dah!)

Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a cow next to your blue spruce.

You know how to polka. (kind of)

You know what a FIB is and can spot them a mile away. (heh heh heh)

You think of the major four food groups as cheese, beer, brats and Jell-O salad with marshmallows.

You have eaten a cow pie at the State Fair.

Country Kitchen is the place to meet after the party.

You have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, Irish Fest, Oktoberfest, or all of the above.

You can't be friends with a Vikings fan. (it's difficult, but possible)

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