Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hump day

Link: BDI
Title: August 11th is Alcatraz Day which commemorates the arrival of the first prisoners in 1934 to be incarcerated on Alcatraz aka The Rock. Let's warm-up ... using the letters T-H-E-R-O-C-K list seven material things (try to think of something other than your computer for "C") that would make you miserable if they were taken away from you. Warmed up? Okay ... let's break free and hump like we just don't care!

T - Teeth (don't know why that jumped into the front of my mind, but I surely would miss 'em)
H - Hot pads (again, this is stream of consciousness here, so don't ask where that came from)
E - Email (d'uh, right?)
R - Rock music
O - OCLC (if you aren't a librarian, you'll miss the full significance of that)
C - Cars (long walk to and from work...and anywhere else)
K - My kitchen

This week a getting to know you hump with a crazy twist. Ready?

01. If you could read ANY person's blog (living or dead), whose blog would you love to immerse yourself in? Peter's. It would be funny to see the light bulb come on. At least, we have to assume it finally did...

02. Mattel decides to make a Barbie-like (or Ken-like) doll of you -- what would be the most important accessory or accessories they would absolutely have to package you with in order to portray your lifestyle? Glasses and a book. Sensible shoes. Human hair, stylable.

03. It's been said "The eyes are the windows of the soul." If your eyes were truly a window into your soul and your character traits were represented by objects, what things would people see when they gazed through your windows and what would those things represent?
Simple cross: Probably broken and taped together gingerly, because I keep
screwing up.
Books: Both those read and those created (as in scrapbooks). I read and save EVERY-bloody-THING!
Headphones and/or a boombox: Love to listen to almost any music.
Hymnal: Love singing old hymns.
My family: All of them. They are that important. Wouldn't it be interesting if you couldsee everyone's family by looking in their eyes? Not just those with whom we live, but the whole quilt of our ancestry....
04. We've all said it, we've all done it ... said OOPS that is. What was your most memorable OOPS? So many to choose from...the most recent is telling off my new nephew-in-law last month.

05. Cave drawings -- the blog of the caveman. If we drew pictures on our walls what sort of scrawling might we see on your walls? Stick figures and line drawings. I can't draw representationally, except for architectural drawings. An outgrowth of my childhood. Also probably lists. Possibly swear words. Maybe even lists of swear words, alphabetized, with etymologies... ;-)

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