Link: Sunday Brunch
Title:Happy Birthday!
Sunday Brunch is one year old this week! Break out the party hats and pop the cork on that bottle of champagne. Let's celebrate!
1. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Prezzies and cake or (better) pie. Dinner out. No big deal. Just a sort of heightened awareness of age.
2. Do you ever lie about your age?
Nope. What's the point? I'm still the youngest sibling, so everyone else is older than me!
3. What is your favorite flavor(s) of cake and ice cream?
I like white cake with white buttercream or similar frosting. Wedding cake is the BEST! But actually, for my birthday I prefer pie: cherry, apple, peach... No ice cream. Not my thing at all.
4. Have you ever completely forgotten the birthday of a family member or friend?
Not really forgotten. I have probably 50 birthdays and anniversaries in my memory bank, and I always seem to be able to remember them on the day of. I just can't seem to get my act together to send cards 5 days before. I still remember my first boyfriend's birthday, my best friend from first grade, etc. I can tell you the dates I graduated from high school and college as well...
5. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended?
On my 16th birthday, my mom drove three friends and me to a movie ("Time After Time") and then drove back to pick us up--unheard of behavior, really, for my parents. Afterwards we went back to my house for cake, eaten while sitting around the dining room table with no adults. My mother served and then went...uhm, somewhere, probably into the living room, which is really just the other end of the long dining room/living room area. Very grand and upper-crust-ish and so forth. We talked--among other things--about Sean Poole having his stomach pumped in 8th grade and the fact that he still was drinking just as hard as ever two years later. We were so wise and full of ourselves.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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